Sunday, July 21, 2024

No Pet Store Puppies Day, July 21, 2024

No Pet Store Puppies Day, July 21, 2024

No Pet Store Puppies Day is celebrated on July 21 to raise public awareness of puppy mills and their connections to pet stores that sell puppies, kittens, and rabbits. This day encourages people to adopt their best friend from a local shelter or rescue or to do their research and find a legitimate breeder. 

 Do your research before making a purchase, and always meet the parent dogs where they live to ensure you’re not supporting a puppy mill. Better yet, adopt your next best buddy from one of your local shelters or rescues!

Mom's Grand Father's best friend started the SPCA in Calgary and Mom's pawrents and grand pawrents were firm believers that adopting was best (as was spay and neutering) for both dogs and cats. Mom grew up with both. All the befores came from the SPCA or the Pound or the Humane Society. But Mom has to confess...Back in the last century (1998) our hairy slobbery sister Bob (Roberta) was bought at a pet store!

Shortly after the first hairy slobbery sister, Kokanee, passed over the bridge, Mom was walking through the mall to take Nellie Bellie to the vet, A gorgeous Aussie Shepard puppy with one blue eye looked up at Mom through the window of the store and she melted. Mom asked the vet about the pet store and the puppies. The vet said the puppies came from a responsible breeder and he had just checked out all the puppies and given them their shots. The breeder did not normally sell at a store, but her husband had a heart attack and she did not have the time (or energy) to take care of the puppies while she found them homes. She asked the vet what she could do and he talked to the store. 

Hairy Slobbery Sisfurs Bob and Sam with Nellie Bellie

Bob (that cute puppy) was the the first pet that did not come from a local shelter. A year later, Mom and Dad wanted to get another dog and asked the vet about Bob and the people who had her Mom. This time they got Sam (Samantha) from the farm where they were born. Bob and Sam had the same Mom (but different Dads) and they were the best dogs ever! As a matter of fact, they were both here when Cinnamon came to live with us! Bob was like a Mom to Cinnie. 

So today, we are reminding people to do your research before getting a puppy. Alas, because of Covid Puppy Mills are still common and they often sell the puppies through pet stores.  We know that many of us are now aware of the dangers of the puppy mill industry and it is important to remind or educate others who may be unfamiliar with the pet shop industry.

Our Newest sisfur, Nutmeg, is a rescue - sort-of. 

She came from a farm up the valley and was bought by an older lady who found she was far too rambunctious! She gave her to Mr T across the street and he too found that very active puppies and older people with mobility issues are NOT a good combination! Mom was not sure she wanted a young puppy but now (even me) are glad she is part of our family!




  1. It would never even occur to us to buy at a pet store. But there are of course wonderful and responsible breeders too out there. Our Tommy came from a wonderful family and continued to see both his parents and his sisters for many years. Ollie is also from a breeder as #1 wanted to stick with the breed after Tommy left for the Bridge. Of course, Queen Tama and Ryƫ are pure-bred Abyssinians. Tama was a sort of rescue, though, as she was unsellable due to minor deformities in her front paws. So the breeder gave her to #1. And Benny and Momo are moggies who needed homes although they never went through a shelter or rescue organisation.

  2. You already know we are avid Shelter Adopters. I enjoyed reading about your canine history.. Another thing that can help is people that see or hear about people who are running puppy mills should report them to authorities.

  3. The whole idea of pet stores stocking pets like products is so wrong. More should team up with local shelters and drive adoption that way. Congrats to all on getting a new family and new family member. I'm sure there will be many adventures ahead for you all. Maybe in book form too?

  4. We have a pet store near my house that sells puppies. Even though it is the closest store that sells cat food, I won't shop there. Shockingly, there are two more stores on the same street about a mile away dedicated to selling puppies.

  5. We are definitely on board with adopting from shelters and rescues. We loved learning about the long line of rescuing in your family. And it sure was nice to read about Bob again. We remember her! XO

  6. Our motto has always been: Don't Shop; Adopt.

  7. We can see adopting runs in yer family. Marv, you especially know cause you came furom millions of miles away. I was in an orphanage and then Lynn found me. She got the best end of the deal, mol.

  8. Hari Om
    Excellent post!!! Hugswagswhiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Chaplin: "Tucker and Saya the Mighty came from breeders, but aside from fish, the only pet who ever came from a pet store here was our kitty sister Pooh Bear who we never met, but that was at an aquarium store where the owner knew the person who was trying to rehome Pooh Bear and let her put Pooh Bear in the store so that people would see her in the hopes someone would adopt her. And it worked!"

  10. We either adopt from a shelter or, lately, before they even get to a shelter. Such a wonderful post today and hooray for Nutmeg joining your family!

  11. That is a great message. We came from a local rescue that often pulled dogs from over crowded shelters.

  12. I have never gotten a pet from a pet store. I just keep what God delivers to my yard. :) XO

  13. I wish pet stores wouldn’t sell cats or dogs. Maybe fish..that would be okay. ~Murphy

  14. I'm glad your mom's pet store experience was a good one and wish all the puppy mills could be shut down once and for all.

  15. I hope once the world will become a fair place for all animals....

  16. Marv and Barb
    Thank you for this very impawant reminder...
    As Angel Brian taught us Adopt don't Shoop
    Hugs Cecilia

  17. Yes indeed! Adopt don't shop is a good way to start the process of being a doggie pawrent. Also beware of backyard breeders...
    Us two are both rescues all the way from Texas! The shelters here in Michigan often go to other states and 'pull' dogs and cats out to bring them here where they might be more apt to be adopted. We are glad they do that!
    Glad Nutmeg is fitting in so well!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!