Monday, July 15, 2024

Pet Fire Safety Day, July 15, 2024

Today is Pet Fire Safety Day! 

This is close to our hearts. As yous guys know, we live in a teenie tiny town in the middle of nowhere. We have a volunteer fire department (our human brother is a member). In Canada, there are over 126 thousand Volunteer Firefighters currently protecting our communities. Of the more than one-million firefighters in the US, 65% of them are volunteers, according to data from the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC). Of the more than 29,000 fire departments across the country, almost 19,000 of them are run completely by volunteers!

 These guys and girls practice every week, not only to fight house fires, but to help people who have had bad car accidents, they work as part of an organized, trained team to respond to emergency situations, They safely protect citizens in times of crisis, provide pre-hospital care for victims,
They learn fire suppression and public education and maintain the fire station and upkeep of firefighting equipment!

That's a big job!

To help fire fighters, when they come to our home, Mom has stickers on the front and and back door that tells the firefighters how many pets there are in the house. 

Here in the wilderness, we also have to worry about wildfires. Especially since summers are so very hot. We have GO BAGS. There are many sites online that tell you what things you need to have in your GO BAGS or kits.  Ours are packed and ready in the garage. It includes extra leashes and collars (including for us cats), a 5 gallon jug of water and 4 days of food, blankets and (of course) toys, each of us cats has a carrier, there is a dog crate for our Nutmeg. Here she is, trying it out in the car!

Nutmeg is a NUTCASE! She got into our catnip!

Have *´¨)
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ * a Wonderful Day,
I'm enjoying the heat!


  1. Hari OM
    All good sense, thanks Marv! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Nutmeg, you are a little tipsy but it looks like fun.. I hope you never have to use your preparations but am so happy to know you have them. My sons Dad was a fireman, a paid one in Savannah GA.. that was 60 years ago, Bob's nephew is a volunteer firemand and my cousins is a paid fireman here... We have a sticker on the front window by the door and we have extras leashes in our bedroom and garage, for just in case.. we have a small go bag that goes with us, in case something happens while we are out

  3. You are prepared which is great. But to know you live in such volatile fire zone is scarry sounding. My husband is retired paid firefighter. He has animal rescue stories of his own. Thank goodness for the pets that survived fires. That Nutmeg, does she not know cat nip is not fur dogs! Marv you need to teach her
    that she should be looking fur the Milkbones. Hope the Shirley is coming along, or out or in as it should.

  4. Smart to have GO bags. We MOL'd at Nutmeg and the nip.

  5. We're thankful for all the volunteers that man our fire houses near us and hope we never have to meet any in person.

  6. We are very grateful to our fire team, the popo, and the EMT's in our neck of the woods.

  7. Charlee: "Wildfires! We are not a fan!"
    Chaplin: "Yes, we're nowhere near the wilderness but we still ran away from a wildfire that one time because the wind was blowing it straight towards us. Fortunately the wind changed and the evacuations stopped about a mile away, but we were already gone by then!"

  8. MOL!!! nutmeg, wat a goof!!!! marv, we only haz had stickers on owr winderz, win we moved last time, idee stickerz were ordered and ready win we got into owr noo houze. now, we do not lives in dee wilderness but we is in catafornee-ah so we r berry aware ov firez around us.

  9. We live in a small town too and we have volunteer firefighters. They are most wonderful. We always have to be prepared and I'm glad you are.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marvelous Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  10. Great post. It is good to be prepared. XO

  11. Fires are so scary and we're always thankful for those who fight them with such courage!

  12. Mom could never be a fire fighter as she is scared of fire, doesn't even light matches and never has a candle lit or a fire to burn something outside. We are thankful for those who are there to protect and help when there is fire.

  13. Thank you for this important post. We must be better prepared.

  14. It is wonderful to have such a good team of volunteers across the country, as well as the paid volunteers.

  15. It's smart to be prepared. We do love our firefighters and EMTs, the paid and the volunteers. They're all worth celebrating.

  16. We're huge admirers of firefighters and EMTs, too. And it good to be prepared for emergencies, and we are happy to know that you guys are!

    Nutmeg likes catnip? MOL


  17. Mom has a special liking for the fire fighters and the EMT's. For years!

  18. God bless the first responders that keep us safe...
    Thank you for this post.
    Hugs Cecilia


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!