Saturday, August 10, 2024

Cinnamon, you will be missed


We are all sad here. There is a Cinnamon sized hole in all of our hearts.

Cinnamon was the first member of the family that I met and she SCARED me so bad, I bit Mom. For the next 3 years she was a frequent visitor at my home in Vancouver and then Mom and Me and Alex and Ninja moved to Midway and that is when I started to love my crazy hairy slobbery sister. 

And she has been the bestest! She has rescued me from Ella (the BIG dog next door). Which makes her a hero in my book. Today was sad. Cinnamon has been quite sick for about a year and Mom knew that the prognosis was not good. Cinnamon was steadily feeling worse over the last year and we were hoping that she would have the BEST summer ever! Mom wanted to take her to all her favorite swimming places but it has been too hot! But that did not stop Cinnamon from having fun. She loved to play with our new sister (Nutmeg).

Early this morning, Cinnamon told Mom that she was ready to meet Daddy, and Bob and Sam and Nellie Bellie over the Rainbow Bridge.

Because it was a Saturday, Mom had to take Cinnamon to the Big City (where they have 24 hour vets) and Mom and Cinnamon stopped at all of Cinnamon's favorite Pit stops. This one is purrticularly special as it has a stream she can walk in! Actually it is the beginnings of the Kettle River that runs behind our house.

I can see you in my mind's eye, Thank you for being in my life!


  1. Thank you precious dear, dear Cinnamon for gracing my life with your blogs. Mom and I told your mom we loved you and we meant it. I am deeply sorry that you went to the Bridge. Our family always grieve for us and so do our friends ,but we are happy and whole again.. Cinnamon, I know I will see you again one day. I love you and your mom and all your family...Nutmeg, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Marvelous, and your Mom and Brother. All my love to all of you.

  2. Oh dear people and kitties and woofies. You know I had to leave for The Bridge a month ago. So I am here with your girl Cinnamon. Mom L and I have loved knowing you all and will miss Cinnamon lots. Sending comforting purrs

  3. We are so sad to hear that Cinnamon has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Our hearts ache for you. It is never easy even when you know that you are doing what is best for your beloved furry. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us.

    Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

  4. My heart aches for all of you. Cinnamon was a precious pup and friend and I know we'll all miss her.

  5. Dear Marv, we are heartbroken to hear that Cinnie was needed at the Bridge. We have loved her from afar for as long as we have known your family. We are sending you all lots of love and gentle purrs and prayers.

    Fly free, sweet Cinnie. You are loved and remembered always. Always.

  6. We (Angel Spitty, Gigi, Buddy and our Human) are so sorry to hear that your lovely Cinnamon sister has gone across the Bridge (we are sure Spitty will be in line to greet her--he wasn't always thrilled about the woofies, but Nellie assured him that Cinnamon was a Very Good Girl!) Cinnamon could not have had a more wonderful life with your Mom and Dad, and such gorgeous natural beauty around her. Marv, you will need to take very good care of your mama because she will be feeling very sad for quite some time. We love you all.

  7. Hari Om
    🙏💖🐾 Bless you Cinnamon for all the happy years you shared here in flesh world. Now run free and easy in rainbow land. Mum and your fursibs will all look after each other and remember you always. We, in blogland, will miss you too... Extra special hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Dear Barb, Marv and all the family, I am so sorry to hear that Cinnamon has made her journey to the Bridge. She let you know it was her time and you gave her the best time possible on her final day. God speed, Cinnie. You will be missed by all who knew and loved you.

  9. We are so very very sad that Cinnamon decided it was time to visit her Angel family at the Rainbow Bridge....but she's in such good company AND will of course always be in your heart.....but it's just not the same when they leave us. We miss them terribly. I'm glad she had a fun last day visiting all her favorite places. We send big hugs to all of you - we also asked Angel Sammy to please me one of the crowd to welcome her "home" at the Bridge. Love...........

    Pam and Teddy

  10. We loved Cinnie from afar and we will miss her very much too. We know she had a wonderful life filled with love and we are sure she will continue to watch over you, Marv, as well as the rest of your family.

    Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs,
    All of us at The Poupounette

  11. RIP sweet soul 💔🙏🏻 xxxx

  12. Cinny
    How very much special for you to visit some of the most beautiful places yesterday with your MOM BARB. I am so sorry for the loss your earthly family and siblings feel today.
    I know in my heart your Angel Dad and angel siblings greeted with jubliation yesterday.
    Spread lots of sweet Cinny love around and tell all our angels hello for us
    With healing hugs

  13. Hugs and very, very sorry.
    Farewell, Angel Cinnamon.

  14. thank you for telling the story of Cinnies last day on earth and my heart is breaking with yours. It makes my heart feel better that she got to stop in her favorite places. so very sorry that there is yet another hole in your heart.. each time this happens we lose another piece of our hearts.. Goodbye Sweet girl

  15. That sure made me cry, we all loved Cinnamon from afar. We always enjoyed seeing those eyes filled with love. You touched many hearts dear Cinnamon and tell Brian we said hello please. Love and hugs from all of us to you Barb and Marv.

  16. I'm so very sorry for Cinnamon's passing. My thoughts are with you all and my angels send soft purrs.

    Kim and her angels

  17. Oh this is so sad. I'm sorry Cinnamon has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. She will be missed by so many. Sending comforting purrs and hugs. ~Murphy and the Lady

  18. What a lovely tribute to Cinnamon. She sure was a special pup and we're sure she hung around long enought to teach Nutmeg all she needed to know to fit into your home and help protect you kitties. Cinny is now reunited with everyone that went before her at the Bridge.

  19. I'm so very sorry for your loss. So hard to let them go. The embed themselves in our hearts and remain their forever.

    Scritches all around, a smooch to Marvelous Marv and lots of healing hugs to mom. ♥

  20. There are no words to say to heal your heart Barb. The hole left in your life now will seem huge. Cinnamon was a lovely dog and I know she was family in the best way. I am sorry she had to leave you. Lynn

  21. We are sad here, too, dear friend. If wishes could come true ... may she rest well now. May you and yours find joy in all your memories, in the love you'll always hold within your heart.

  22. Lulu: "We're very sorry to hear that sweet Cinnamon has had to go away."
    Chaplin: "Run free over the Rainbow Bridge, pretty girl, and be sure to stop by Tucker's Everlasting Rainbow Bridge Buffet to meet Dennis and the gang and get a special treat."
    Java Bean: "We send lots of tail wags your way at this sad time."
    Charlee: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"

  23. Oh, Cinnie, I wish we had known you. So sorry for your loving family but out of pain is a good thing.

  24. Cinny,, all of us here in trout towne are truly sorry to learn you decided to leave for the heavens ♥♥♥ May you
    find an abundance of clear running streams, woods to play in, & never ending bowls of biscuits. Sending you, mom and you family hugs and loves.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
    dude, boomer, dai$y, tuna, sauce, mackerull and de gurl laura

  25. We are so sad that Cinny has gone to the Bridge. We're sending healing purrs and prayers to you all.

  26. I'm so very sorry to hear this news. Cinnamon, you will be missed by so many but especially by your family. You will continue to be remembered and loved. You will remain, always, in so many hearts. Love & purrs always, Seville.

  27. I didn't know Cinnamon, but she sounds like she was well-loved. It's especially pleasing to read how she won you over, Marv. There won't be another like her. What a loss to those who remain on Earth. Godspeed, Cinnamon.

  28. We are so sorry to hear that Cinnamon has gone to the rainbow bridge. Thank you for sharing her with us. We send you love and may the memories of the love and joy you shared help at this hard time. Lee and Phod and their people

  29. So sorry to hear about Cinnamon. Glad you had each other in your life

  30. Cinnie, we r so sorry yoo hadz to leave but yoo can watch ofur and protect your furambly from up above now

  31. My heart breaks for so many that you left behind, Cinnamon, but hurting and no longer loving life isn't fun. We send your family huge hugs♥

  32. Try to remember that while you were all waving good-bye with tears in your eyes, all those others were yelling " Look ! Here she comes !"

  33. I am so sorry. Sending love and hugs to you.

  34. We're so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet cinnamon. We're sending purrs for comfort in good memories, and peace.

  35. When a soul leaves its mortal body, it is lifted by the wind unseen by adult human eyes, which have been cleared of the ability to experience magic. The soul floats to the nearest river, then rides the current until it enters the River of Life, which gently carries the soul to Rainbow Bridge. The new angel emerges from the water, having discarded all the pain and sorrow of mortal life (often transferred to those mortals nearest to them,). The soul then crosses the River of Life via the Rainbow Bridge and is reunited with their predecessors who loved them while they were mortal; then, a glorious reunion takes place. Their predecessors teach the new angel how to dream visit, to inhibit the bodies of furry and winged creatures so the angel can watch over their loved ones. So, if you see a bird or little animal watching you, or wake up from a dream feeling light of heart, know your angel has been with you. Death is not the end, it's a temporary separation, and if you never stop loving the angel, you will be together again in a place called Rainbow Bridge

  36. Once again, so sorry for Cinny's passing but she knew true human love and that is the greatest solace!
    Mariette + Kitties

  37. So sorry for the loss of your purrecious girl. She was one of a kind😿Soft Pawkisses to comfort you all🐾😽💞 Fly free beautiful Soul✨

  38. I am sorry for your loss. She definitely had a loving home and great life. Hugs to you and yours.

  39. I'm so very sorry to hear this news. Losing a beloved pet is always hard and it's especially hard when it's a good fur-iend. Everyone at the Ranch are sending our tenderest thoughts of comfort. I'm sure our own fur-angels met dear Cinnamon at the Rainbow Bridge gates and showed them around. 💔

  40. We are so very sorry for your loss, we're sending healing purrs your way. Cinnamon was such a kind presence on the blogosphere and we will miss her very much.

  41. I'm so sorry to hear about Cinnamon. She seemed like a very sweet dog.

  42. Not sure I started as anonymous. Our thoughts are with you.

  43. Deer Miss Barb an Marv an Kozmo an JoJo an Nutmeg (nice to meet you) wee are furry sorry that Cinnymon Poochie went off to Summerland! Shee iss with Queen Nellie an they will watch over you'ss now....Wee hope all yore memoreess an fotoss will comfert you Miss Barb.
    Wee lovess all of you!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  44. We are so sorry that you had to leave your earthly dwelling, Cinnamon, but now you are young forever...and have wonderful strong angel you can visit all the wonderful creeks and mountain streams whenever you want! Maybe your Dad who was waiting for you, will throw sticks for you to fetch.

    We here, send our bestest wags and licks, and petcretary adds her sympathy and hugs, too.
    May all the wonderful memories be a comfort now.

    (I sent you an email to multiple addresses because I wasn't sure which one was live...with a memento for you in Cinnie's honor. Its on our blog, now, too.)

  45. I'm sorry for your loss. Sending comforting thoughts 😢💔🌈

  46. The pack here sends gentle woooos, safe travels puppy dog,

  47. Oh I am sorry to hear this. I know she was a special dog and a constant presence on the blog. Fly free Cinnamon, Nellie the wonderful kitty will show you the ropes at the Bridge.

    Marjorie and Toulouse the Tabby
    Dash Kitten

  48. I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear little red dog. She looked so beautiful in your pictures.

  49. I’m so very sorry for the loss of your dear little red dog. She looked so beautiful in your pictures. I know she is deeply missed.

  50. Oh, no! We don't understand how We missed this! We are only now learning that sweet Cinnie has been called to the Rainbow Bridge. We are so furry sorry for your loss. We send purrs and hugs of comfort and condolence. She will be sorely missed. But now, she is made young and strong and healthy again and she will live forever in your hearts. One day, you will all be together again, for evermore. Till that day, run free, dearest Cinnamon, angel woofie, in the green fields under the eternal sunshine beyond the Rainbow Bridge.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!