Saturday, July 27, 2024

Thanks Everyone for coming to my Birthday!


 Thanks so Furry Much for your wonderful birthday wishes!

I had the best birthday ever! You guys are all the best furrends a cat could wish for. 

In honor of my birthday, we are donating to our local cat rescue. They are in a town about 45 minutes away and they lend out cat traps, spay and neuter and chip and tip the adult cats. Right now we are trying to capture Lucifer (the black cat across the street). Lucifer is an intact male (about 5 years old) and is semi feral. He has a territory that he sprays almost everyday. This has made some people quite irritated. 

Like many places, right now our areas shelter is bursting at the seams, so Lucifer will be coming back to Midway. When he gets back after his snip, chip and tip, we would like to get Lucifer eating his meals with Merle and Lindy -- the semi ferals that "live" in Ms M's shop and backyard.  Lucifer gets along on with all of us other cats -- each house on our street has at least 1 cat (because of all the rodents). 

Lucifer's owner was the same man (Mr T) we got Nutmeg from. 11 days ago Mr T moved to Saskatchewan and left Lucifer behind. Mom (and her friend Ms M) got a trap from the cat rescue and Mom has been trying to capture him for a week. Lucifer has evaded the clutches of the cat trap (though Mom has caught 2 Stellar Jays and a small Raccoon). Tonight, because it is my Birthday, Mom has pulled out all the stops! Besides the crunchies she has put out sardines. Yes, the same sardines I had for my birthday dinner. 

We are hoping Lucifer allows us to capture him soon. The people who own the house (that he used to live in) want to tear it down. They have been cutting down all the trees around the house and this has really upset poor Lucifer and made him more skittish than he was before. If you have any great ideas on how to catch a skittish cat, without a trap (the rescue says we can keep it 4 more days), please let us know, Mom is starting to run out of ideas. 

See! I'm not afraid of Nutmeg! Even if she talks back.