NOT a Marv Post - Oh Canada!

 We are PROUD Canadians up here in the Great White North. We are kind and polite. (Bullies often mistake kindness for weakness). And I don't often make any political comments. I live within 500 yards of the border and I have been part of the the greater Boundary Community for most of the last 30 years. The people who live across the border are my neighbours.

Being a good neighbour is more than just having a cup of sugar at the ready in case the couple next door (or across the border) runs out. Practising neighbourhood etiquette benefits us and the people living near us by forming friendships (and avoiding tensions before they arise). Knowing our neighbours gives everyone a sense of well-being and makes it less awkward to run over and deliver a package that was accidentally delivered to the wrong house. Living in the middle of nowhere, we all help each other no matter what side of the line we live on. We help and they help. If there is a lost pet or a raging forest fire, or a flood we all keep an eye out. I used to think that extended to the greater neighbourhood (the world). We, who had took care of those who had not.

What is happening right now in politics (with an angry selfish leader with his own agenda) is destroying the neighbourhood! 


I watch SNL. this last Saturday, When Mike Myers wore his "Canada Is Not For Sale" t-shirt, he mouthed a secret code: "elbows up."

It's a reference to the great Gordie "Mr. Elbows" Howe and his willingness to punish those who tried to mess with the team. You heard him: elbows up. And if anyone asks why, tell them that Mike Myers sent you. (from Charlie Angus) 

Elbows up, gloves off. Canadians are slow to anger and tough as nails. We have a very long memory and a tolerance for difficult times. Canada's future will be better as we diversify our markets. (from Cathy Berglund)

 Strangers are friends I have not met yet and I love that about our particular piece of Paradise, But right now the the loud guy with his own agenda has my elbows up.



  1. Hari Om
    I consider Canadians to be Australians by another chance... there is much that is similar in both country (size, natural resources), nature (everything from plains and tundra to immense forests, fringed by bountiful seas), diversity of cultures and similar sensitivity to making amends for colonising and settling errors upon the true native peoples. We need to raise our voices - and, yes, if necessray, our elbows - against the bullies of the world. There is no nation on the planet that can lay claim to being the perfect one, but egad, there are lines and some rise above, whilst others seek to sink.

    I watched a wonderful pair of interviews yesterday that I think you will appreciate (if not already seen/listened): Chrystia Freeland and Mark Carney. I just wish we had to such impressive folk in our UK batch... YAM xx

    1. My Dad's family is split into thirds, 1/3 of my cousins live in England, Ireland and Scotland, 1/3 in Australia (an outlier in New Zealand) and 1/3 across Canada. We ALL agree with you! BTW, I would really like to see Chrystia win (not Carney). She has really impressed me since she first went into politics.

  2. There are many of us on the south side of your border that are as mad as hell as you are about the current regime (I won't even call it an administration like is usually done) in power in the USA. The destruction that has been done in just a few short weeks has opened some eyes that were clouded over by the lies of that orange bully, but many still can't see the forrest for the trees. We just wish it was easier to imigrate to your great country, but as retirees it's nearly impossible unless we win the lottory so we can fully support ourselves. We are doing what we can to stay informed and taking action where we can. My great hope is that if all hasn't been corrupted in two years to prevent fair elections the Democrats can take back control of both houses of Congress and impeach the pres and VP and send them packing (very wishful thinking, but one can hope). Don't give up on all of us. We're more frustrated than you are.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!