Friday, January 24, 2025

Change a Pet's Life Day

Change a Pet’s Life Day is celebrated every year on January 24. It is about adopting a pet for your family and it is not only life-changing for pets but for their Peeps too! All of us agree that us pets bring loads of happiness!   For those of us that were adopted we love and adore our Peeps and we KNOW that they LOVE and ADORE us too!

While the day encourages adoption, and many shelters may lower adoption fees to commemorate the event, we want everyone to know  Changing a Pet's Life doesn’t require adopting a pet every year.

There are loads of ways to contribute to changing lives by volunteering at shelters, donating to rescue organizations and spreading awareness about responsible pet ownership. You don't have to give money, volunteering and spending time with pets in shelters is equally impawtant!

Whether it takes the form of monetary contributions, supply donations, online pet adoption awareness campaigns, or short-term foster care until an animal finds their forever home, demonstrating our love for these creatures will genuinely brighten our days as well!

Thus, let this unique day serve as motivation for us all year long—no matter how big or small—every contribution counts! 

Kozmo wearing his Batman Helmet

Keep Being AWESOME!



  1. we agree, sensible adoption is a good thing, not every one is meant to be a pet parent, depends on health and money and lots of love and patience. that is why our shelters are full. our shelters here all have running lists of things they need on their web site. it takes a lot to care for the unwanted pets.. Also when adopting we need to be aware of what the dog personality is like, no high energy dogs for us old seniors. or sleepy dogs for kids.

  2. I would have loved to adopt 2 cats after Flynn's passing, but it was soon after I was told the cancer had metastasised and we decided to do as much as possible in the time I had. If I had known I would still be here nearly 8 years later our decision would probably have been very different. I still love and miss those boys as much as I always have.

  3. Batman Kozmo battling fur lonely kitties! I was saved furom the orphanage in January 12 years ago! Just a'cause I was bee-u-tee-full in my grey onesie. Wish all kitties were saved. Lynn had stacks of treat foods furom my experience with Dr. Feelbad and she took it all to the orphanage this month. We saw how deep the snow was when Kozmo wanted a walk way cleared! Makes us glad we only got about 16 inches in a frozen snow pack and Lynn sweeps away each fresh snow to git to the burd feeders.

  4. Our parents sure changed our lives for the better quite a few years ago. We can't thank them enough.

  5. Yes, they ALL deserve all the happy they can get!!!

  6. Great post. We can all do something to help animals. XO

  7. It takes very little to change lives, and it's so worth the doing.

  8. What a great and important day. You are right, guys. Every bit of help for pet animals is super important! XO

  9. We all have to do our little bit. Like Mummy, feeding the street cats etc.
    Kozmo looks really cute in his batman mask.

  10. Lulu: "Everything is better with a pet, am I right?"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, we all sure think so!"

  11. Supurr post guys, and every little helps! Kozmo dude, mew look epic today!

  12. Kozmo I like your black mask
    Barb I hope your leg is healing
    Hugs Cecilia


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!