Mom was not too sure she wanted to answer our questions...I, Marvelous, thought she probably though our questions would be off the wall, or totally cat focused. But Jo Jo, Kozmo and I thought we could come up with some GREAT questions for her to answer...we had a list of one hundered and elebenty seven. Mom said she would answer 1 from each of us.
We thought that was fair, so here are our questions:
#1 - Kozmo
Kozmo: Why have you NOT dug paths in the snow for us to get around the house and down to the river bank this winter?
Mom: I have to use a walker to get to the kitchen to feed you!
Kozmo: I had not noticed...
#2 Jo Jo
Mom: Probably because that was the last roll of tissue...
#3 Marvelous Marv
Mom: Because you are a crazy cat and you look hilarious! I don't care that it costs money to fix the screens to stop the flies.
Now I'd LOVE to hear your Questions!
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This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!