Saturday, December 21, 2024

Winter Solstice (and Happy 91st Birthday Dad)


Yule is one of the oldest pagan winter solstice holidays. It has been celebrated for thousands of years by various cultures, with a wide variety of rituals and traditions. Because Yule depends on the solstice, which depends on the sun reaching is southern most point it can vary by location but it always falls on or after December 21 each year.
Yule is a traditional pagan celebration and id a time to celebrate the hope of the returning light. Like the solstice we acknowledge the darkness is defeated by the brighter side and with each day getting longer, it is a time of celebration so in that respect, Yule is like the traditional New Year holiday. Its a chance to look ahead to the year to come and begin again. 
In ICELAND there is legend of a Yule Cat!

The Icelandic Yule Cat, also known as Jólakötturinn, has a long and fascinating history rooted in Icelandic folklore. While the exact origins of this mythical creature are unknown, it is believed to have been a part of Icelandic culture for centuries.

According to legend, the Yule Cat was a fearsome beast that roamed the countryside, preying on those who did not receive new clothes before Christmas Eve. In Icelandic tradition, new clothes were a symbol of good behavior and were given as gifts to children and adults alike during the holiday season.

Over time, the Yule Cat’s reputation as a fearsome predator softened, and it became a symbol of the importance of hard work and the joy of gift-giving during the holiday season. Today, the Yule Cat is an integral part of Icelandic Christmas traditions and is celebrated throughout the country every year. 

I, Marvelous, would love to meet him!

It is our Pop Pop's 91st Birthday!

He is our Mom's Dad and even though we don't know him very well, (he has not visited Midway since the last century) our Mom has gone and seen him in Calgary more than a few times!
Here is a photo of him after Mom was born, he was 21
Here he is when Mom went to see him 2 years ago. 

And here he is when Mom was talking to him on the phone last week!

We Love you Pop Pop (and Daddy)!


  1. Happy Solstice!
    Birthday wishes to your Pop Pop!

  2. Hari OM
    Happy Birthday that man!!! Looking good on those ninety-one years. Blessed Solstice to you all there at the K-estate. Hugswagswhiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Marv, your PopPop looks so good and healthy and young like you! He went from flying ace to a jail bird, mol.
    Glad he's out now and hope in Spring your mom can go fur another visit. We are glad fur the longer days starting tomorrow by one minute, but it means colder nights now fur the next 3 months. Yuck. Gotta a bit of snow on the ground today and bitter cold is back after a few days of light rain. Farm ponds are still 1/2 empty from the drought. Give my BFF Jo Jo a head bump but not growls, mol. Precious

  4. Happy birthday to your Pop Pop. He is looking great for 91!
    The Icelandic Yule Cat is scary.

  5. Happy Winter Solstice, sweet friends! And the happiest of birthdays to Pop Pop! XO

  6. Happy Birthday to your Pop Pop. We're not sure about that Yule Cat.

  7. Happy Birthday to your Pop Pop. Our grandma turns 90 today.

  8. Charlee: "Happy Winter Solstice! And happy big nine-one to your Pop Pop!"
    Java Bean: "¡Feliz cumpleaños!"
    Chaplin: "Many happy returns!"

  9. Happy Winter Solstice and Happy Birthday Pop Pop!

  10. Happy Birthday to your Grandpa! That is a cool cat light sculpture. XO

  11. A Happy Birthday to your Pop Pop.

    A Yule Cat - now that is something We would love to see!

  12. Happy 91st birthday Pop Pop.

    We are excited about the extra minute we get today! The days are getting longer!

  13. Yikes, that is a HUGE cat!!

    Interseting story behind it.

    Happy Birthday #91 to your Dad, and PopPop!

  14. The cat legend sounds amazing.

    I wish your Pop Pop many happy returns of the day!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!