Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday the 13th

 Today is Friday the 13th!

The weekend is here, but before the weekend, today is 'Friday the 13th'. There is a popular superstition associated with this day, as it is considered unlucky. Friggatriskaidekaphobia is a common superstition  and refers to the fear of Friday the 13th; it brings a mix of anxiety and intrigue.
There are no strict, definitive reasons why Friday the 13th is considered unlucky.  
But this Friday the 13th might bring a little extra magic.

Tonight, not only is there a Cold Full Moon but the Geminids meteor shower will illuminate the night sky, it’s a great opportunity to leave superstition behind and make a wish on a shooting star. has information about how you can watch the shower AND they are also offering a live stream!




  1. Am attending a Geminids Meteor Shower event at the local park this evening; it's gonna be cold, but the sky should be crystal clear!

  2. Hari OM
    I will have to get up very early (or go to bed very late) if I want a chance of veiwing the meteors - we do have a clear sky tonight, but golly, that moon is darned bright... I'd entirely forgotten it was the 13th; might explain some of the negative stuff that happened as I was driving today. Deep breaths, tomorrow's another day! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. What a festive Christmas banner you fur babies have today. Lynn will not git up in the middle of the night (cept fur the potty, mol) so she'll not see the shootin' stars. We hope fur a clear sky tonight fur the moon rise, but we expect rain tomorrow on top of our light snow, so who knows what'll come next. Hope you have a tree up even if the mom can not climb the stairs. Hope Nutmeg does not knock it over. Precious

  4. I hope you all can see the heavenly showers tonight. Way to many lights here. Thank you for the very informative info
    Hugs to you all

  5. We will make sure to keep our eyes to the sky this evening, thanks so much for the info!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. marv!!! no stars tonight or tomorrow, only rain, cloud and windy here! bummer!

  7. Hey gang! We always seem to have lots of clouds whenever the cool star showers start!

  8. We're not afraid of any silly date on the calendar. Too bad we will have clouds tonight so we can't see the meteors.

  9. Thank you for the reminder of the Geminids. XO

  10. Java Bean: "Ayyy, it is so bright here around San Diego, we would probably have to go out to the desert to see anything. And we know THAT isn't going to happen!"

  11. We mhave a large open space nearby out in the country...but we are nope, can't see anything up there.
    13, is a lucky number around here...I'm born an a 13, as is hubby, and some of my friends as well. Mother included!! My mother in law was born on a 26, that's 2x13, and Pipo was born on that same day...albeit decades later, MOL!

  12. I had quite a surprise this morning (Saturday) as I looked out the window on my way to the bathroom. It was quite light so I looked to the side to see where the light was coming from and saw a huge full moon which looked like it was sitting right on the river. I have never seen the moon that low before, and with the village over the other side behind it it looked surreal. I wish I had thought to take a photo. I forgot about the meteor shower.

  13. I just came in from standing waiting in the back yard for Beau to pick the right spot to pee. I was staring at that big cold moon, it was amazing and suddenly I saw a falling star. I thought I might be wrong, but now after seeing this, I know it was one... wow.... and I did not make a wish. love the black cat graphic

  14. Epic post guys, we're sad, we can never see those meteor showers at BBHQ, not even with a telepscope, we're on the wrong latitude!!! MOL

  15. That was a great reminder about the Geminids, you guys! :)

  16. Great post to remind us about the Germinids.

  17. We hope it wasn't too cold for you to enjoy the shower. We stayed in! Lee and Phod

  18. Here in Israel, if one wants to see meteor showers, one usually has to travel to Mitzpe Ramon and the nearby crater, in the Negev Desert.
    Mummy looked up Friday 13th and read that it's considered unlucky because it's the date of the crucifixion of Jesus.

  19. It's funny the way superstitions work. I hope all of you are having a wonderful December.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!