Sunday, September 1, 2024

September Month Long Events And Ginger Cat Day!

If you would like any of September's badges at a smaller size (300x300 instead of 600x600) they can be found on our September Badges Page.

Hi Guys! Welcome to September and the events that will happen all month long!  First up, September is 

Animal Pain Awareness Month

September is Pain Awareness Month, not only for our Peeps but us pets too! Pain is often a symptom of underlying health issues, and early detection can lead to prompt treatment, which can improve the chances of a positive outcome. Understanding animal pain can also help pet owners make informed decisions about their pet’s medical care.

When pain, is not treated, it can lead to a decline in an animus animals’ quality of life. Us pets try  to hide our pain, so it can be hard for our pawrents. So, understanding animal pain means that our Peeps can take steps to make sure we are comfortable and happy. That’s why Animal Pain Awareness Month was created: to make owners aware of what causes pain in animals and how to tell if an animal is in pain. 

Happy Healthy Cat Month 

For us cats here at Casa De Marv, every month is Happy Healthy Cat Month!  Happy Cat Month was created by the CATalyst Council to promote the welfare and wellbeing of domestic cats. Cats need plenty of stimulation, health care, and attention to keep them feeling their best. Happy Cat Month aims to bust these misconceptions and stereotypes through education, sharing of information, and examples of proper cat health. We are lucky, our Mom treats us really well!

Sept 2024 For The Dogs (September Woofs)

There are a number of events for our Woofies this month! so they have their own badge!
Responsible Dog Owners’ Month (no badge)
 National Service Dog Month (no badge)
 National Dog Week
 Hug your Hound Day

Responsible Dog Owner Month

The American Kennel Club (A.K.C.) organizes all kinds of awareness campaigns and activities throughout September. They encourage Peeps to form bonds of love and affection with their dogs. They also promote the four tenets of dog ownership: health, safety, training, and love.

National Service Dog Month

National Service Dog Month is a month-long celebration honoring the hard work and life-changing impact service dogs make on people with disabilities every day. 
What Is a Service Dog?
In 1975, Canine Companions created the concept of “service dogs” to assist people with physical disabilities. They’re specially trained to perform tasks that help make daily life easier for people with disabilities.
What are the different kinds of Service Dogs?
For more information about Service Dog Month, what kinds of Service Dogs there are and all kinds of interesting stuff, visit!

Ginger Cat Day!

Our furrend across the the street is called Lindy Loo and she is a gorgeous ginger cat! Lindy is special because she is a female. Because only 20% of orange cats are female! She is also special because she LOVES EVERYONE! She also likes to do fun things! Here is me and Lindy and Nutmeg!
Enjoy Ginger Cat Day!



  1. Lots going on this month! Love the picture of you and Lindy Loo parachuting with Nutmeg. I have had three female gingers as well as four male gingers.

  2. Wow, what a skydiving team! Too high for this cat. I think in a plane is better than jumping out. That is unless Mrs H is flying we are on a case. Have a wonderful week

  3. Lots of fun things to celebrate this month. Love your last photograph. Skydiving. Way cool.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marvelous Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  4. There sure are lots of events for September. We love that last picture of you three parachuting together.

  5. Marv, we see September is celebration month! Paws up fur it all. I go to the Dr. Feelbad in Oct fur my check up. Good thing I do not know yet. Precious

  6. Oona: "Oona's brother Odin is a ginger cat! And he is a giant!"

  7. love that last graphic, thanks for the badges, I might not participate as much as usual, lots of stuff going on, but will if my brain allows

  8. Great job on all the badges- thanks for making them. XO

  9. Wow, there sure are lots and lots of events in September! We love the badges Mom Barb created. XO

  10. You sure have to be as busy as a beaver with all those badges!
    And we think Lindy Loo is a fun kitty, going parachuting, too...she is also brave!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!