Wednesday, September 4, 2024

National Wildlife Day!

National Wildlife Day (Feb. 22nd & September 4th) founded in 2005 by animal behaviorist and philanthropist Colleen Paige, serves to bring awareness of endangered animals nationally as well as globally, that need to be preserved and rescued from their demise each year, but also to acknowledge zoos and outstanding animal sanctuaries globally for everything they do to help preserve this planet's animals and educate the public about conservation - especially to children....our animal's future caretakers and conservationists. 
Click to go to their website

 As we live in the middle of nowhere we get to see LOADS of wildlife! When we look from the living room and up on the mountain acrss the highway, we have seen mountain sheep, elk and 2 kinds of deer (Mulies and white tails). Deer are everywhere!
Deer in our front yard
Because we have a river in our back yard- at night we see and hear bears, and cougars and we can hear the coyotes and the wolves! 
Full moon rising 

In the above picture, Mom was trying to get a picture of the raccoons coming out of the juniper bushes.
Our wildlife is an important part of our lives here in our village. We are especially mindful of our bears. We are a Bear Smart Community and work hard to minimize the number of bears killed as a result of bear-human conflicts, and to keep people and property safe as well. We do this by helping people learn about bears, how to prevent human-bear conflicts and live with bears, and how to become Bear Smart communities. Being native to North America and on the landscape before humans, bears should be able to travel, find natural foods and secure habitat, mate and expand range, and connect with others.
Get Bear Smart

 Do you guys have wildlife? And are you celebrating today?



  1. oooh we remember the bear!!! we saw a deer today... we think that are magic animals...

  2. Hari OM
    Being out and about in my van I am getting to see wildlife again - although I did see quite a bit from the Hutch's windows, too (mostly on the wing, but there were deer on the road one night!) I love that you have a community that wants to live with and not against the pre-existing residents! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Marv, we think the bear and wolves might be too much fur us! We got a groundhog that has eaten most of Lynn's apples that the deer and squirrel have missed. We git a turkey once in a while and a fox. Mostly birdies. We like to see Nutmeg looking professorish with glasses.

  4. Here's a holiday that slipped past us, but it's on our calendar now!
    We keep the groundhog family stocked with greenery, and have many squirrels enjoying our trees.
    As for the butterflies, bees, and other insects...there seem to be many of them too.

  5. We live on a large property (5 acres) and are surrounded by lots of woods. Our property is home to fox, deer and lot of smaller wild life. The past two mornings we've woken up to a view of our small deer herd nibbling at the plants that grow at the edge of our woods.

  6. We have a variety of wildlife here and most are welcome, but coyotes are not.

  7. hey marv, we like your noo header today. we haz coyotes, turkeyz and turkey vultures, bobcats, bun bunz, beaverz and big berdz like blue heronz an egritz, oh and we haz a big owl who likez to sit in the top of the tall, tall redwood tree in owr back naybors yard and he who, whoz hiz who, whoz and we can hear himz eben iffen dee winderz are closed.

  8. Java Bean: "Ayyy, we have lots of wildlife like opossums and raccoons and roadrunners and quail and ground squirrels and bunnies, but I guess our main wildlife would be coyotes. In particular, we have an old coyote who has been coming around lately to eat unripe figs, persimmons, and peach-type fruit off our trees on the hill."
    Lulu: "We had some words for him but our Dada made us stop and brought us inside so the coyote could forage in peace. Something about how we get regular meals and we don't need to make life harder for a little old man coyote who is just looking for fruit."
    Java Bean: "Blah blah blah. I still want to bark at him."

    1. Nut Case er Nutmeg likes to bark at ALL the wildlife! Mom is always telling her to be quiet too!

  9. We do have wildlife here! We are glad we have not seen bears in our backyard (though they ARE around), but we've definitely had visits from deer, raccoons, opossums, coyotes, fox, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, hawks, songbirds, and snakes!

  10. You do have a lot of wildlife! We get a lot of deer here and they roam in large herds.

  11. We didn't do any special post, but for living in the city, we get amazing wildlife...some we like better than others. We wish the skunks would stay away. We also get deer, raccoons, ground hogs, chipmunks, squirrels, possom. The kitties dad recently rescued two abandoned baby squirrels. We are very happy we don't have coyote or foxes. Since none of us go outside except for the catio, we don't worry too much about the wildlife. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!