Sunday, September 8, 2024

National Pet Memorial Day


 National Pet Memorial Day was first established in 1972 by the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of September and is a day when owners can mark the passing of their beloved pets.
As you guys know, our beloved hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon went over the Rainbow Bridge a month ago and we are still feeling her loss. 
But I, Marvelous want to tell you about the Badge! As you know, our Mom makes the badges for the events every month for the Cat Blogosphere. As her slave driver, I insist that the badges for the next month are completed at least a month before, not only so the mistakes and errors can be found  but because Mom is busy. She also writes grants, teaches people how to use their electronic devices and does volunteer work in our small community. This badge was created way back in June while Cinnamon was still teaching Nutmeg how to be a good dog!
On it are digital water colors of our neighbor pets who have gone over the bridge this last year and it includes our Nellie Bellie but not Cinnamon!

Cinnamon is enjoying being OTB!

Today we are celebrating the lives of all our befores. The hairy slobbery sisters - Cinnamon, Bob, Sam, and Kokanee and the cats - Hissy Old Licorice and Nellie Bellie.

  As well as National Pet Memorial Day which is celebrated in the USA, there is also a Global Pet Memorial Day. The global day is held on the second Sunday of every June.


  1. Good morning, I am first woo hoo! I am glad you shared these thoughts about Cinnie and all your sweet angels and how you do the badges, had not thought about doing them ahead of time, things could change. life seems to change a lot these days. We love you and miss you Dear Cinnamon...

  2. We will always miss our own departed pets, and also all those we have come to know through blogging.

  3. Hari Om
    Preparedness is all good and well, but preparing for the unexpected is part of it. You and mum did a great job today. Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  4. They always live on in our hearts don't they ... thanks for sharing the very special story of all the sweet pets on the badge you made. It makes it all the more important.

  5. Your mom sure is busy. It's so nice of her to create such beautiful badges. Our parents miss their angels a lot too.

  6. Marv, yer mommy is a busy woman. We luv the badges you direct her to make. So colorful. And the picture today with Cinnie is purrfect fur a great pup. I send you a purr and tell Jo Jo I send a head bop. Kozmo too.

  7. Our Celestial furries continue to mean to world to us.

  8. Such a wonderful memorial to all those sweet Angels.

  9. The badges your Mom makes are just beautiful and we thank her for her hard and creative work. We are still missing our Lightning so we totally understand how you are still grieving for Cinnamon. The memories do help make us feel better.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. We love the badge, and the very special story of how it was created. Hugs and love to you as you remember Cinnie, Nellie, and all the other beloved family members who are waiting at the Bridge. XO

  11. Chaplin: "So many furry friends over the Rainbow Bridge! We don't know how Tucker's Everlasting Rainbow Bridge Buffet keeps up with the demand for treats, yet somehow it does ..."


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!