Monday, September 9, 2024

Hug Your Hound Day - Big OOPS!!!

Oops! Correction! Hug A Hound Day should have been the second Sunday which was September 8th! I apologize for the error.  

It is September 9th!  Have you had a hug today?

Mom and I do the event badges and this one was done before our Cinnamon went over the Bridge but I wanted to use it anyway, even though we have a NEW hound at our house! 
I'm not "UP" to hugging the Nut Case, but I do like her. I hardly ever hiss or swat her. I have even touched noses with her!
Right now, I am a little miffed at Mom right now and there is some hissing and swats...

This is the grass snake I caught. I was throwing it in the air when Mom stopped me and took him from me and put him on the ground and let him slither off into the grass and would NOT let me chase him!
And here I am telling Mom that I am NOT happy she took away MY Snake! Can you see that my tail is just un-poofing!

Here I am later, sitting on her lap and telling her again that I am miffed

Do your Peeps ever take away stuff from you?


  1. Sorry Marv that she took your snake.. you look so sweet and so does Nutmeg. the badge is beautiful and once again we are sorry to not participate. Beaus Mama is struggling to keep up with blogging. forgive us please

  2. Lynn never brings a snake home to me, Marv. She just photos them and ruins my blog post with their slithery photos. I git miffed at her a lot fur not feeding me enough. Now she has me babysitting these chrysalis until they hatch. But not let me catch the butterflies!

  3. We have no hounds to hug, but we are cheering for all who do!
    Marv, what did that snake do to you?

  4. That is a lovely badge, Marv. I am sorry your mom took your snake away. Flynn used to kill them before he gave them to me!

  5. Hugs to Hounds everywhere! Yes, things of all sort get taken away here too Marv.

  6. Mom takes lizards away from us all the time.

  7. We get hugs from our parents every day! It's too bad your mom took your snake away, but we do hope the snake was unharmed by your antics.

  8. oh marv, we r sorry she took away your snake. dee mum alwayz takez away dee bugz win i find them cuz she does not want tme to eatz them.

  9. She took your snake? The nerve. You made me laugh out loud and say Awww really loudly.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  10. Please give your pup a hug for me as I don't have one. How rude to steal your snake and let it get away. XO

  11. Take away our prizes after all the hard work we do to get them?
    Benji: Yes, they do, phooey! Why last night I left me a nice fat mole on the sidewalk and *she* removed it and gave it a funeral...but I wasn't allowed to deliver any kind of eulogy....and today when it was light, she filled in my work of the catching process, IE: she filled in my nice big hole!

    I almost had me a nice little garden snake...and was going to give it the terrier shakey shake, but she made me drop it and put it on the other side of the fence so t could recover and slither way. The nerve!

    We have a lot of wildlife in our area, too. Deer, possum, coons, way too many squirrels, chipmunks, gophers. sandhill cranes and all kinds of other birds. Sometimes we see foxes and coyotes...some peeps say they have seen cougars and bobcats...but we haven't!
    There have been a couple of young bears in the city about 8 miles south of us.

    We got hugs today! And we begged for and got cuddles, too!

  12. Java Bean (peering closely at snake): "That's not the one that got me."

  13. We love hugging hounds (and kitties), Marv! Sorry Mom took away your snakey. Humans sure can be party poopers! XO

  14. But Marv, the poor snake! It is your ally in the fight against rodents, you know.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!