Wednesday, September 11, 2024

It is Patriot Day in the USA!

Patriot Day, on Sept. 11, is the designated day to stop and remember what happened in 2001 in New York City, Washington, D.C., and in a Pennsylvania field. The extremist group al-Qaida, launched a series of coordinated terrorist attacks upon the United States, killing almost 3,000 people.
Terrorists hijacked and crashed passenger planes into two towers at the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon outside Washington, D.C. A fourth plane crashed into an empty field in Pennsylvania, after hijackers’ plans were foiled by a group of passengers who tried to take control of the aircraft before hijackers were able to crash into another "important symbol of democracy and freedom."

Although our Mom is ancient, she cannot remember anything at all about 9-11. Four days before, she was in a car accident and got a head injury. As a matter of fact, she does not remember very much about the next year and a half.
Mom's first job after, was as a Training Developer with the Calgary Police Service doing special projects. While doing this Mom met and interviewed quite a few Canadian Police and Firemen who went down and helped out after 9-11. She heard many of the stories these brave men and women told. Mom also has met a few people who survived that day and many others whose lives were affected by those events and how they have built a legacy out of the horrible tragedy that profoundly affected their lives.


  1. what a hard time your mama had back in 2001... hugs to her .... we hope the world will never see such a day again... we want peace for all people...

  2. Your accident was close to my birthday of 9/5 and I know you will never forget that sept just from the accident. I am so glad you came back from that and were able to continue to work. Thanks for sharing your memory and for remembering 9/11. It was a horrible time for so many and a scary attack.

  3. I am glad you have recovered from that frightening accident. I will always remember what we were doing on that day. Ivor was working in the garage with the radio on and I took him out a cup of coffee. He told me there had been a terrible accident in New York. I went in and turned on the TV and of course found out it was terrorism and not an accident. It changed the world forever.

  4. Our mom was home that morning and watched it all unfold on live TV. She will never forget that day.

  5. oh my gosh Marv. Lynn was in horrible head on car crash on June 1 and was still recovering. She had her brain Ok, but no good legs or arm and hands. Sleeping driver. So on Sept 11, she was on her walker fur the furst time in 3 1/2 month standing in front of the TV for 30 seconds and saw the 2nd plane hit second tower. She was in wheel chair until Dec. I think sometimes her brain just doesn't work now fur old age, mol.

  6. I remember that day, where I was and what I was doing. It's also my sister's birthday so it's bit tough now as the anniversary of the event shadows her day.

  7. I will never, ever forget and I will never forgive those who made it happen.

  8. Barb what a beautiful post and the quote about going to bed grateful. Yes indeed!!
    Hugs to you and the bosses.

  9. There's the gratitude in all of the horror, so many stepping up to help.

    I'm glad you have recovered so much from the injury, I can only imagine how hard it is to lose so much time. Hugs.

  10. Your poor mom. That was a bad injury. XO

  11. We will never forget the horrible things that happened that day.

    We are glad Mom Barb has come so far in her recovery after that accident.


  12. That was a terrible day. I was at work and had to drive to the hardware store. On the way, I heard people on the radio talking about a plane flying into the building. I pictured something like a small Cessna.

  13. Lulu: "We are sorry to hear about your mom's head injury, I'm not sure we knew about that!"
    Charlee: "Our Dada didn't forget much from around the time he was in the hospital for what happened inside his head, although I think there are parts of it he would like to."
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, sí, I guess if you have to forget something, that terrible time is not the worst thing it could be ..."


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!