Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pet Appreciation Week!

Wes is appreciated! Our Peep just loves all of us to bits and she appreciates all wes does for her! Wes knows that she appreciates our diligent efforts to keeps the yard and the house free from the RODENTS!

 Especially when wes leaves her offerings (after all, she deserves it). 

And we LOVES to cuddles with her after all the praise!


  1. we need a good ratter cat sometimes, but since we have had no rain, have not seen the rodents. when it rains they come in the garage

  2. Hari Om
    Good work!!! And I suspect "she" appreciates you anyway? Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty x

  3. We are SOOOOOO happy to see you guys back again!

  4. Good work, and it is very thoughtful of you to bring the gift to your peep.

  5. Nice work, guys, and it's so nice to have you back!

  6. Good to know you have not forgotten how or slacked off in the hunt fur vermin and delivering right to the door. Yer mum will sleep restfully with all these things moved off to the wilderness.

    1. Precious, as we have not been blogging we have been hunting. Mom reminded us today that we had to blog and NOT hunt! Thanks for stopping by! Purrs Marvelous Marv

  7. Jumping with glee and excitement for 2 things...1 you are back on the internet, 2. Mom has the happies to do what she loves. I look forward to seeing it all. You were all missed
    hugs Cecilia

  8. grate job dood....iz ya gonna grill him with sum bar bee Q sauz :) !! ♥♥♥

  9. Every week is pet appreciation week in our house! BOL!

    1. Hee! Hee! I bet that is at almost every house that has pets! Purrs Marvelous Marv

  10. Y'all sure are at the top of your hunting game, bravo!!!

  11. I'm surprised any rodents even bother coming around, keep up the great work, all of you!

  12. Have a great week. A dead mouse is thoughtful but stinks up the place after a bit.

  13. We appreciate you all, too! It's so nice to see you, sweet pals!

  14. wow bravo... they maybe have the same name in france like a flight because they fly out of your garden?

  15. VOLE HOLES very poetic...we have chipmunk holes here
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. We love our furbabes every day of the year. What a great gift too.

    It's great to see you. I've missed you and Marvelous Marv.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around and a smooch to Marv. A big hug to mom. ♥

  17. What good work keeping those voles at bay! What fun cuddling too!

  18. Chaplin: "We haven't got any voles here. All we have are gophers, and the only time we cats ever get to see them is when Lulu catches one and eats it and then throws it up inside the house."
    Lulu: "It's a hobby of mine!"


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!