Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Hug Your Cat Day



Wes is all going to get our Hugs in with our Mom (and our human Brother). We all LOVE hugs! Last Month, Mom was gone forever! Our Grampa was sick and he was staying with our Aunt and her family in Calgary. Our Aunt got sick too, so Mom LEFT US and went to takes care of them. We were worried that Mom would miss our hugs...


Our cousin cat Feisty stepped up and made sure that Mom got her daily cat loving! 

Feisty is a drop dead GORGEOUS Tortie. She is a little bigger than Kozmo and she has a kink in her tail!


  1. That was good of Feisty to make sure your mum got her daily loving.

  2. Feisty is a sweetheart to make sure your mom got her hugs!

  3. No hooman should go without kitty purrs and whisker kisses.

    1. Let me just say, whew, I am glad I do not have the issues you've had recently! Good luck with the kitchen. Lynn and Precious XX

  4. Feisty did you all a solid! Hope all of those relations are feeling better now.

  5. We're glad Feisty gave your Mom some hugs.

  6. That was so nice of Feisty to give your mom some kitty love. We would hug a kitty if we had one, but instead our parents will just give us hugs. BOL!

  7. She is a fine looking cat and I hope none of you felt a little jealous when you saw the photo. hope all the sick people are all better now and glad mom did not catch whatever it was

  8. Nice photo of your mom and Feisty. I hope your aunt and grandpa are better. XO

  9. You get hugs where to can get them. They are so very important. Mom did good taking care of everyone.

    Hug your cat day is everyday around here.

    Have a fabulous hug your cat day. Scritches all around, a smooch to handsome Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  10. Feisty is a cutie! Happy Hugs Day everyone!

  11. Virtual hugs headed your way from both of us

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. I am a standi in because we don't have a cat nad I am very huggable.

  13. I'm glad you had a cousin there to help while your Mom helped the rest of the family.

  14. Mom is da bestest nurse I know. I hope Grandpa and Auntie are better and Mom didn't get sick.
    There is some crud going around down here in Dixie
    Hugs cecilia

  15. That's a nice photo of your awesome mom and Feisty! OUr dad got home late last night from his business trip, but in time to give us hugs. :) XO - Ava and Target

  16. Charlee: "I love getting hugs and kisses from Dada!"
    Chaplin: "You can hug me, but nobody better try to kiss me."
    Oona: "Oona will cheerfully accept brief hugs and kisses OKAY THAT IS LONG ENOUGH OONA HAS GOT THINGS TO DO YOU KNOW!!!"

  17. I think hugs day came and went, but we get (demand) plenty of attention here

  18. Hug you cat day is a great idea to be followed by Ace Bandage Day


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!