Saturday, June 1, 2024

OMG! Its June!

Wowwzers! My but time flies! Mes can't believes it has been almost a year since wes blogged but wes has NEWS! Ms June (at Zoolatry) and her peep asked us if wes could do what wes loves to do, create art. And special art. ART for the Blogosphere! Starting this month wes will be making the badges for the special events.

Wes are excited about this as Mom says we can try to post for every event! 

 To start the Month here is Mr Kozmo. He was a shelter cat and hes been here for almost 14 years! His absolute favorite thing to do is play BED MONSTER when Mom changes the sheets!

Mom says , "He's hard on the sheets!"

Our Next post will be for Pet Appreciation Week!


  1. Welcome, friend ~ big hugs and big thanks! Ann & June

  2. It's great to see a post from you. We've missed you! You're looking great, handsome Kozmo!

    The Chans

  3. I have missed you SO much. And Kozmo. XX So glad to see all of you today.

  4. Glad to see you back and doing the art for us bloggers. Great stuff already! And Kozmo, I know Katie Isabella will be ecstatic to see more of your furs.

  5. We're so thrilled to see you!

    1. Not sure why it showed up that way but that comment was from us!

  6. da tabbies o trout towneJune 1, 2024 at 6:50 AM

    total lee awesum pawsum ta see a post frum ewe! me N de gurl
    look for werd ta see in de soooper kewl art peacez ewe cree ate, then
    givez yur mom credit for ! YAY ‼️🐟😺

  7. Hello! I will look forward to seeing more of you .... thank you 🙂

    1. Thanks so furry much! We are so happy that yous stopped by! Purrs Marvelous Marv

  8. Good to see you all again.
    Kozmo, at least you move around during sheet changing...Sweetie just sits there as a big lump.

  9. It's good to hear from you all and we just know your mom will do a fantastic job with all the event badges.

  10. Hari Om
    Hooray, anything that brings you our way is a winner!!! Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  11. Good to see you again! We haven't been able to blog for awhile either, and we've missed you! Congrats and welcome, to doing the badges for the Cat Blogosphere!

    1. Thanks so very much for stopping by. We always love it when you do. We are going to try to post everyday a badge goes up...Keep being awesome!
      Purrs, Head Bonks and Whisker Kisses Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Cinnamon and Mom Barb

  12. We are glad to see all of you back !

    1. We are glad to be back! And we are glad that you are here too! Keep being awesome! Purrs marvelous Marv, Kozmo, cinnamon, Jo Jo and Mom Barb

  13. Guess all kitties love to play bed monster!
    Ours always have voluntarily helped change the beds and a lot of jumping...
    Mariette + Kitties

  14. We've sure missed you all too and we're beyond thrilled to have you as a part of The Cat Blogosphere Team! Oh yea, #GoTeamMarv!!!

  15. We have missed you so much and are glad you are back. We know all your creations will be fabulous.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. So happy to see that you are back to blogging and going to work on Blogosphere graphics. XO

  17. Hooray! Not only do we get to enjoy your mom's talent, we get to hear from you all regularly!

  18. Well, hello there, sweet pals! We are so excited to see a post from you, and we know Mom Barb is going to do an amazing job with that artwork. Hugs!

  19. Great to see you back! I have missed you all, and it is lovely to see Kozmo "helping" to make the bed. Your art has always been lovely and I know you will do the CB proud.

  20. thanks for the badges, I saved all of them yesterday, will try to remember to use them.. memory problems are plaguing me, so bad I am going for Neuro testing for dementia soon. Kozmo looks adorable, we have a starving cat just like him, seen twice, but the cat is not eating the tuna I put out. will buy dry food today and try that

  21. Oona: "Oona also likes to play Bed Monster when Dada is changing the sheets! Other games she enjoys include Laundry Monster, Closet Monster, and Trying To Get Into The Bathroom Monster!"


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!