Sunday, June 30, 2024

July is a busy Month!

 As you know, we here at Casa De Marvelous have taken over from the wonderful Ann (at Zoolatry) and Boy Oh Boy is July is a busy Month! We made 13 badges! To see them ALL you can get them at the Catblogosphere or here on the July 2024 page. Now that sounds like a lot, but today we are posting:

  • July Events
  • Pet Hydration Month 
  • Lost Pet Prevention Month 
  • Canada Day
  • ID your Pet Day and 
  • American Zoo Day! 

That leaves 7 more posts for us this month. Us pets are loving it! 

First up is the July Events Badge!


July is Pet Hydration Month!

 Its getting HOT outside! Now we have global warming, summers can be brutal, so staying hydrated is more important than ever.  Us pets rely on our Peeps to ensure they’re getting enough to drink on these hot days! Cats can be particular about water. Nellie Bellie LOVED her fountain because she liked to drink running water (must have been the river that runs through our back yard). Cinnamon and Nutmeg have a HUGE water bowl that Mom puts cold water into almost every time she walks by! Us cats drink out of that bowl too.

Lost Pet Prevention Month!


At the beginning of  July, Canadians and and Americans celebrate Canada and Independence Day. These celebrations involve a whole lot of noise (like fireworks) and many pets run and get losted! Many organizations want people to be aware - so emphasizing that July is Lost Pet Prevention Month makes a ton of of sense. Last year, I, Marvelous would NOT listen to Mom and come inside--and the fireworks scared Me! Luckily I ran towards the house, dived into the garage and hid under the work bench! This year I am making sure that I come in where I can hide UTB (under the bed) with Kozmo and Jo Jo.

ID Your Pet Day - July 1, 2023


We at Casa De Marvelous all are all microchipped--except for Nutmeg, but she is still a baby! She will be getting her chip later this month as we could not get her into see the vet until later in July. Cinnamon and Nutmeg have their village dog licence and wear it on their collars when they are outside.  I, Marvelous have a licence that Mom keeps in her wallet.

American ZOO Day, July 1, 2024

Wow! We got to the final event for today's post! This day spotlights the place zoos play in wildlife conservation and education. If you live in the big city, there are not a lot of wild animals and when you go to a zoo, visitors can see the fascinating world of animals, their species and their habitats.

American Zoo Day is important. It shows people the importance of conservation. Zoos are crucial in protecting endangered species, offering a sanctuary for breeding and rehabilitation, and serving as a bridge between humans and nature.We don't have a zoo here in the middle of nowhere and we have to remind our visitors that they can't walk up to bears, deer, elk and other wild things...they are dangerous! Mom was talking to a lady in the campground and she wanted to know where the cages were, where we kept the bears at night, as she had not yet seen one on her visit and thought maybe she could see one at the cages...

Canada Day - July 1, 2024


On Canada Day us in the Great White North reflect on what it means to be Canadian, to share what makes us proud and to celebrate in our own way. Canada Day highlights the richness of our land, our diversity, our culture, our contributions, but above all, our people. Since 1868, July 1 us Canadians from all communities to come together. 


Now please excuse me, its time to rest up before the fireworks!



  1. I wish you a blessed and beautiful Happy Canada Day! Your badges are wonderful, I need to try to figure out how to use them and do it more consistently.

  2. happy canada day to you... and a wonderful month...

  3. Hari Om
    Happy July One to you! No, I didn't know you'd taken over from Zoolatry... But I know you will carry the mantle well 👏 hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  4. July is a busy month! Happy Canada Day to all of you.

  5. you look very much like Beau does in todays post, except he is MUCH larger.. thanks for the info and badges and yes, beau is chipped.

  6. Marv, you had so much info to share with us this morning. We will have to reread this and see if we can memorize part of it. I, precious, get cold water in my glasses all day long. Lynn keeps wanting to refrigerator and rotates. I will not like it later this week when they start shooting fireworks. I don't know why humans do such a silly thing. They should celebrate like we do, very quietly. I too have a chip in my head. And Lynn hopes that it never has to be used. I have never had a snake on my patio. Lynn has seen them in the grass only a few times.

  7. Happy Canada Day! July sure is a busy month.

  8. Charlee: "This post reminded Dada that he needed to refill the water bowl in his office, so it has already done its job."
    Lulu: "NO FIREWORKS!!!"

  9. Happy Canada Day!
    Keep the noise to a minimum, folks.

  10. Happy Canada Day! Lee and Phod

  11. Happy Canada Day. Love you all and especially Marvelous Marv. He's so handsome.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  12. It is a busy month. Happy Canada Day! XO

  13. Happy Canada Day!!🇨🇦 Hope the noise wasn't too terrible!

  14. OMCs OMDs what a fun packed celebration.
    Hugs Cecilia


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!