Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wordless (Mostly) Wednesday


Why am I so 


Hint 1

Hint 2
The new flooring has (finally) been all laid!
Yes! The last piece (underneath beautiful Jo Jo under Cinnamon's bed) was put into place at at 5 PM yesterday! 
Soon all the things that have been moved over the last 10 weeks will find their places.
 We are pawticipating in Wordless Wednesday at Comedy Plus! I LOVE Sandee's Hops! She always has the bestest photos for Wordless Wednesday and I LOVE her and her comments too! Please click on her Wordless Wednesday button to be magically taken to Wordless Wednesday Central (Comedy Plus).




  1. So cute. Regine

  2. You're so handsome Marv. I love you to pieces.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  3. Oh Marv, what a smile you have today. Tell us all about ratty. I purr to hear the story. And Princess Jo Jo lying on a lovely bed and the floors are done! Looking furr-wurd to seeing more of you all now. Precious

  4. I know the feeling that after many weeks of changed objects, everything comes back to normal...
    I'm glad that everything is OK! It's time to... play!
    Happy WW and a fine week!

  5. your ratty looks a little eggshausted... he was on an adventure trip?

    1. Ratty is not talking, but he has been missing since before summer started...then on Monday, he was in the middle of the living room. I have been singing to him and carrying him everywhere when I am in the house. Purrs Marv

  6. Hari OM
    well, all I have to say to that is... MARVELLOUS!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Marv hugs to you and Ratty, I am doing a happy dance for you. I recall in 2016 when we got all new flooring how happy I was for it to be over and Angel Madi was not at all happy with all the new smells...she adjusted

  8. I wrote, I hope I did not imagine this, but probably I did not save the message.
    Anyway, I have my own experiences with moving stuffs at home in order to... make order!
    So I understand the problem. But I'm glad now everything get back to normal!
    Happy WW and a fine and happy week!

  9. Hooray for your beautiful new floor! And for Ratty returning for having fun with you!

    Petcretary says she is envious...though we would have to hire a contractor to do ours...first we have to deal with an awful plumbing mess...

  10. That looks like a really nice floor. You are so handsome, Marv!

  11. marvz...yoo r so berry berry hansum! bet yor mum iz hap-pee dat da flor iz dun

  12. You sure look happy, Marv. We're glad to hear all the flooring has been laid down now.

  13. I love your header gang! Marv, your photos are fabulous pal. I'll bet your Mom is glad the floor is done.

  14. Nice floor from what I can see. XO

  15. Cats really, REALLY dislike having their stuff moved!

    1. I can vouch for that! They seriously gave Alex heck about the bed being in the wrong room, and they knew exactly who they should bug to get things b ack to normal!

  16. It’s so nice when things start getting back to normal!

  17. Yippee for the flooring being done and things being back in their places. Marv, that photo of you seriously warms our hearts. XO

  18. Yay for completed flooring! Double yay for things moving back into place!

  19. We are loving your smile to pieces, Marv, and we are so happy that your new flooring is in and work is coming to an end!

  20. Dear marvelous Marv you have such a marvelous and oh so beautiful smile! Happy dance that the floor is done it sounds like you might be at the end of the work


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!