Friday, April 29, 2022

Caturday Art - Kozmo is an Admirer

 Did you see the beauteous Katie Isabella as part of the Cheer Team for the Tuesday Teaser and the Teaser Tell All at Two Spoiled Cats this week? Kozmo was over the moon! 

And I, Marvelous, captured him mooning over Katie and the Cheer Team! 

I thought it would take the photo of Kozmo and make art out of it! 

Furrst, Kozmo and I ran some of the filters in Painnt and we LOVED this one! The colors reminded me of the Ukrainian Flag. When Kozmo saw it, he said he would like it if we used it for Caturday Art. 

Then we took the photo and did some PhotoShop painting. 

AND we thought we should make puzzles out o them too!Just click on the images above and you will be magically taken to Jigsaw Planet. 

Now we are pawticipating in the Lovely Athena's Artsy Caturday

Please click on her button to visit her site. Her Peep is the best and a pretty darn wonderful artist and makes the best tabby art EVER! 


  1. Kozmo's in love!! Lovely art effects, and thanks for the puzzles.

  2. Kozmo, I hope you weren't jealous that Katie got out and about so much
    while you've been home quietly. I am sure Katie would have loved to
    have you travel with her. You did a great job directing Marv and mom to
    do such handsome art work. Tell mom to do some warm art work on the weather
    will you?

  3. That's cute! And the Caturday Art is gorgeous!

    Tama and Benny

  4. Hari OM
    Very handsome indeed!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. both art pieces are beautiful, how could they not be with Kozmo as a model and your skills with paint and PS..

  6. Kozmo, I currently have a crush on a celebrity, after finding a FB group of like-minded crazies, so I get new photos daily...woot!
    Lovely art, and the colors are purrfect, as we too support Ukraine.
    Off to puzzle...thanks.

  7. Oh KOZMO! I would have given half my tail floof to have you with me. Well, to escort me. I don't think it would be seemly to be in the cheer group but those girls would have said "heck, YES" if you asked them. Please come on over. I have LOTS of noms. You can bring Marv if yoyu want to, but it'll be us snuggling and catching up with lovins. He can help make a cuddlepile though. XXXXXXX Pee mss, you look so mancatky and strong and handsome and just my sweetheart!

  8. Kozmo, I did see the most beautimous K.I. on the cheer squad...I bet you were bursting with pride too
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Well Kozmo every self-respecting mancat I know swoons over Katie Isabella. She had a good time being on the Teaser Cheer Team and we protected her from any unwanted advances of the Teaser guy students. We love the photos of you checking out the Cheer Team on your iPad.....the one with blue and yellow for the Ukrainian Flag is our fave. We have paws crossed for those brave people.

    Hugs and Love, Teddy

  10. I did see Katie on the Cheer Team! Fabulous picture and art of you, Kozmo!

  11. Katie did a great job with the Cheer Team and you did a great job with the artwork!!! Thanks for the puzzles!

  12. We love both pieces of art, and Mom looks forward to doing the puzzles. We suspect many man cats were mooning over Miss Katie Isabella. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  13. That is fabulous art Kozmo and yes, that was some cheer team!

  14. Katie made a great cheerleader. She is a lucky lady to have Komo admire her. Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  15. He's lucky to have someone to admire!

  16. Such great art this week. We, too, were immediately struck by the evocation of the Ukrainian flag.

  17. Looks like you're in big loaf, Kozmo💗Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

  18. Awww so pleased for Kozmo and gorgous photos.x

  19. christine carrollMay 2, 2022 at 6:22 AM

    Awww so pleased for Kozmo and gorgous photos.x


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!