Saturday, January 22, 2022

Waiting for Treats Selfies

 We do like our treats. We now get treats in the morning and just before supper because Kozmo now takes a thyroid pill 2 times a day AND we still get our regular treats when we go to bed. Of course we still try to convince Mom we should have treats EVERY TIME she heads for the  bedroom. Mom figured she would use this opportunity to get us to take our selfies!



Jo Jo


Can't you tell that we are (im)patiently waiting for those treats! Don't we look like we are starving and need the treats to get sustenance? We even ask politely (OK sometimes we do get loud and demanding...)
We are going to pawticipate in The Cat on My Head's Selfie Sunday! Their blog is Selfie Central EVERY Sunday! You can click on their badge and be magically whisked to their blog!


  1. I have to work for my treats every time! You guys are lucky you just had to pose one time each!

  2. What a BEAUTIFUL batch of selfies! You deserved a treat after posing so nicely for Selfie Day!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Those are all lovely selfies and deserve double treats.

  4. What beautiful selfies of the four of you!

  5. Those are absolutely gorgeous selfies. We REALLY loveJoJo's selfie, and Ollie adores Cinnie's. Nut Kozmo and mMrv also look so handsome. Well done!

    Purrs and Woofs,
    Tama, Benny and Ollie

  6. Look at that squinty-eyed princess on her blanket, I'm not sure that Jo Jo is awake enough to beg for treats. All four photos look fantastic though. And here poor Precious only gets three Greenies once a day. If she knew how many treats you got Marv, she'd fly up there.

  7. Hari OM
    OMC but what a FURBYOULUSH set of selfies you pawmitted mum to take!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. it is hard to believe any of you are suffereing from lack of treats, you all look amazing and healthy and beautiful and handsome.

  9. Kozmo is, of course THE representation of Tuxie Gentlemen EVERYWHERE. Jo Jo seems to have just turned from giving someone the stink eye! Connie has the face of sweetness, She always does! More than any woofie I have known -including my one through time. And Marv, you are glowingly handsome. I will tell you I think you look more handsome than I have ever seen.

  10. It's clear from the look in your eyes you are waiting for treats. We hope you get lots and lots of them.

  11. Even tho we've missed a lot, got back in time to enjoy selfies of EVERY FURRY ... YAY! Tho June is berating me after reading this, her only treats are called "bye bye cookies" ... given when I am going out the door. Cause she is on a "mom imposed diet" (hiss, she says) so now she is saying it's time to move to the Cats-Astrophic home ... sigh.

  12. You 3 are quite patient at waiting. I think that in itself should be X treat worthy
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Those are great selfies, sweet pals! And we are so glad you got some treats for your efforts! XO

  14. You all look great, and we can see that you definitely need the sustenance.

  15. Replies
    1. Yep! She's really good at that! I wish I knew how she does it, it drives our Mom nutso!

  16. When you are in the 'treat-room'...well of course you need treats!!

    Here is a laundry joke is your mom needs to do her laundry,

    Well, how do you do all that laundry??
    We are still ironing it out!

  17. actually Marv, I think you all look amazing and impressive. You DO look a bit thoughtful I admit!

  18. You can never have enough treats. Nice selfies!

  19. Those are great selfies. And, y'all are really lucky to get so many treats. Maybe we can talk mommy into giving us some. Big hugs

    Luvs ya'

    RaenaBelle and Zebby

  20. You are lucky to get so many treats! Love the selfies too~

  21. Those are all wonderful treat-worthy selfies!!!

  22. All your selfies are adorable. XO

  23. You certainly do not appear to be demanding, at least from where i'm sitting.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!