Friday, January 21, 2022

Caturday Art with Jo Jo

 Jo Jo has been a different cat these last couple of weeks. Most often she keeps to herself and does not indulge in rambunctious play with me or Kozmo. She loves to sleep on Mom's bed during the day and she seldomly comes out to play with the toys (all by herself). 

BUT lately she has been sleeping in the living room recliner chair, relaxing in the cat tree, sleeping in the bay window and playing energetically with the rolly ball...not to mention chasing me, Marv, up and down the stairs, under the bed and through the kitchen! She joins in the treat times when we all get treats while Kozmo gets his medication and she has been cuddling with Mom on the sofa!

Mom has even been able to take some photos of her where she has her eyes open (Like Queen Nellie she is a master of closing her eyes just as the button is pushed). This is a photo of her helping Mom make the bed.

And here is the same after we watercolored it! Jo Jo's photos always come out so beautifully. 

preview110pieceJo Jo's Caturday Art

We also turned it into a puzzle!

We are going to pawticipate in Athena and her Mum Marie's Arts Caturday! Please click on her button to be whisked to England where Athena and her Mum live! There you will see Artsy Caturday Central and find all the links to all the other terrific art!


  1. Ohhhh, that is SO beautiful!

    Glad JoJo decided to 'come out of her shell' as it were.

  2. She is so pretty. At first I was wondered she was sick since she was sleeping so much but the end reassured me she's fire. Just getting a little more mature.

  3. Lovely, lovely!
    The puzzle was terrific; thank you.

  4. Hari OM
    Well, first I am glad JoJo is feeling up to pawticipating in furmily fun and snuggles... and second, furbyoulush foto pawtrait!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What lovely art of Jo Jo! We cats all go through stages.

  6. Jo Jo's watercolor artiness is simply splendid!

  7. That's it Jo Jo, you sure those boys what you've been hiding all this time. That you are a princess warrior. And a cuddle bug too. We are so very pleased to see pictures of you this week oh, that you are the highlight of your mom's day. And your artwork is Simply Beautiful. Precious has her nose stuck out the window in the five degree temperature sniffing the air, but should be under the bed in a few minutes to sleep the rest of the day.

  8. What absolutely beautiful artwork.
    Trixie has also been coming out of her shell lately.

  9. Without doubt, Jo-Jo's pictures are stuning. Another Queen Nellie in the making it seems, too, maybe?

  10. That's a beautiful picture of Jo Jo. We're glad she kept her eyes open for it.

  11. we did not know Jo Jo has such beautiful eyes. So happy to hear she is playing and romping and joining in the family fun. I have heard many tales of cats HELPING make beds. MOL

  12. I am glad that JoJo is joining in the fun and games at last. The art is beautiful, and thanks for the puzzle.

  13. Beautiful art! Glad JoJo is playing and having fun x

  14. Oh JoJo ~ glad you are having fun and enjoying yourself ~ sweet photo of you and artwork ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of loving moments,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Such a pretty sweetie and the art is most lovely!

  16. Great photo and artwork. Thanks for the puzzle.

  17. Does she have a case of what our Lady calls winter fever? It is when we act crazy and it is cold! Lee and Phod

  18. That's a beautiful shot of JoJo, and lovely art!

    Tama and Benny

  19. JoJo sounds like she is living a pretty contented life. Marv needs to be chased.

  20. JoJo you look stunning what a great pose
    Hugs Cecilia

  21. I’m so happy that JoJo is being more sociable. She’s so pretty.

  22. Jo Jo is a beautiful girl. I am glad she has been having fun. I love your art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  23. She's lovely and has decided to be herself, since every other cat is already taken.

  24. Well, we love Jo Jo's photo and art! And how special that she's been cuddling with Mom!

  25. Good job JoJo.......I bet your Mom is super happy that you are turning into a cuddler!

    Hugs, Teddy

  26. JoJo that is really beautiful. It shows your beauty perfectly! I am tickled that you are starting to play and join the family. Marv will be an excellent playmate for you.

  27. That is a very nice picture of JoJo helping to make the bed. JoJo we are glad you are feeling more comfortable and at ease.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!