Sunday, January 23, 2022


 Furrst the SPARK!

THe purpose of our life is to be happy!!!

Sparks Badge

 McGuffy’s, who was hosting the Sparks, is on hiatus. She says “I truly do believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. There is hope. Together, we can light up the entire world!

Now for the AWWW-SOME!!!

Yesterday, I wanted to write the AWWW-Some Jokes for Awww Mondays

Jo Jo and Precious were having a Zoom Meeting...and I realized, they were telling Jokes! Funny, the jokes I've heard about Zoom aren't remotely funny...

I ran and got Kozmo - then they told another joke!

Then they watched the sheep!!!

Kozmo and I were shocked (NOT about the sheep doing Zoom-Baa) that Precious and Jo Jo were so funny! !

Oh! Oh! What do you guys think?

Click on Sandee's button to be taken to AWWW Central, you will will be amazed at the AWWW! And Sandee always has the best Awwws.




  1. I wish I could have a Zoom meeting with my pals!

  2. zoom meetings are da bomb... the mama had one with a dog trainer... we laughed so much that we technically should look like the japaneses wrinkle pups ;O)

  3. Hari Om
    MOL... oh yeah, the spark is very much in my philosophy and those jokes...bwahahahahahahahah. Hmmmm. Could be compawtishun indeed, Marv... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Looks like you have competition so better get your thinking hats on! That is a good Spark.

  5. And Lynn thinks that is zoom is just what Kitty's do when they fly through the house. So we girls are quite proud to be the new joke tellers, and let her see that there is an internet world out there. Thanks Marv for letting me have a couple of jokes while you boys just watched.

  6. I do not want to say whom is funnier than whom because someone will get their feelings hurt. I do want to say, the Zoom baaa made me really laugh.. the video is basically part of my excercise i do when i can't get out. i have a play list on youtube and it has the beats i like and i do most of what these guys are doing, just make it up as I listen to the movie.. you guys are ALWAYS funny so don't fret over it,

  7. I could hear the drums after each one. :)

  8. Wait, we are still laughing in the hope of getting those wrinkles situated correctly! Have a funny week you guys!

  9. Those are great jokes. We are cracking up!

    1. We are glad! We think a good laugh on Mondays is the best way to start the week!

  10. Great jokes and that zoombaa looks like fun! Happy Monday! :) <3

  11. Love the jokes and love the video. You're not going to lose your jobs. Not to worry.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  12. *groan*
    None of my new office team show their pets during online meetings, darn.

  13. NO're safe as houses! The girls will just do half...or...have their own day~

  14. I LOL'd big time at the meetless mondays
    and the Sparks!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Now those were funny! Love the spark Marv, too true. No one is losing their job, this is a layoff-free zone kitties.

  16. Those were great and Shaun the sheep made us MOL.

  17. Nice spark and great jokes. Meetless Monday- LOL! XO

  18. What a great combination of blog hops. Love the Awww. And the jokes are always great. Our favorite is Meetless Mondays, as long as it isn't a meatless Monday - se Sibes do like our meat.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. guyz.....any joke frum yur crew beez a grate one....we bet even cinny haza few ;) ♥♥

  20. I think your jobs are SAFE but those jokes are truly funny! TEE HEE

    Hugs, Teddy

  21. We think there is plenty of room for all of you!

    Tama and Benny

  22. There's room for everyone- darling cats!

  23. Like the Spark and the jokes. No worries you two there are enough jokes for everyone to get in on the action.

  24. That was a fun post gang, we're still smiling!

  25. Those jokes made the mom laugh a lot…so her wrinkles will be in the right places!

  26. That's a great spark!

    No one will lose a job, there's always room for another comedian in the family, i promise.

  27. We always love your jokes! They always are so funny and cute!

  28. I enjoyed the jokes and loved the video!

    Absolute cuteness!

  29. Siblings always try to upstage you. They don't realize they improve your game in the process!

  30. Thanks for all the laughs in this post! Zoom-baah! LOL BOL!

  31. That is a wonderful spark, Marv! And Meet-less Mondays would be nice. My dad actually usually has Meet-less Fridays; it is a good chance for him to get lots of work done. XO - Ava

  32. Charlee: "Don't worry, we're sure you will maintain full employment in the joke-writing room!"

  33. Love the sheep jokes.x😸😸😻💖🐾

  34. Tell Precious not to quit his day job. MOL! I'd love a zoom meeting with you, Marv.

  35. I think your jobs are safe. But I do like the zoom-baa joke


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!