Sunday, October 10, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

 It is one of our favorite days of the year! Up here in the Great White North we are celebrating Thanksgiving! And not a weekend too soon. We don't often get snow this early, but there has already been snow in the the high mountain passes. 

This is Allison Pass, the main one between here and Vancouver. Mom is glad that she has an appointment to get her snow tires put on on Wednesday.  

This Week's SPARK!

McGuffy’s, who was hosting the Sparks, is on hiatus. She says “I truly do believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. There is hope. Together, we can light up the entire world!

Sparks Badge

And this week we have some AWWW-Some Jokes 

We have wild turkeys that visit our backyard and there were a couple in the street between us and the mayor's house last week. Kozmo made a terrific Turkey Jokes! 

Then I told a joke...

We want you to knw that no turkeys were harmed in the creation of this week's jokes (we had roast beast for Thanksgiving Dinner!

Now for even MORE AWWW-someness, please click the Awww Monday button to be taken to Comedy Plus! Comedy Plus is Hop central and is curated by the besest lady - Sandee. Stop by to see all the AWWW!



  1. We see those wild turkeys around here a lot! MJF used to love following their tracks when they had tromped in the snow.
    Sometimes they are right in our neighbour's field!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    I, as a transplanted Canadian, still miss this day each year....its so very different in its celebration than here...right now its still out of the question to make a trip to enjoy this day with my family...I shall phone them!

    Snow??? Yikes! Too early!

  2. we love that spark!!! short and purrfect. a happy catnada day to you all

  3. Snow already! Happy Thanksgiving Day to you.
    Lovely Spark and art. Great jokes too.

  4. Hope your Thanksgiving was purrrrrrfect! Love the joke too but SNOW is no joke......eeeeek! We don't want to see that white stuff here for a couple more months!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Love the spark and your beautiful Halloween blog header. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.

  7. Marv, you tell the disc turkey jokes. And I love it that Kozmo enjoys the finale. Happy Thanksgiving. Can't believe that you had burning up heat in forest fires all around you for months and now you're looking at snow and that you've had such bad Frost your flowers are gone. I don't think we're going to get a frost for at least another 10 days. I'd send you some of my warm weather if it would help your mom get the painting done. Good luck with the bugs. It's going to be a bad day here because someone we know has to go to the veterinarian. Trying not to let her see what I'm typing.

  8. We are jealous of the snow. The weather here is still too warm for the time of year and we need a deep freeze to stop the grass from growing, finally. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Marv, you crack me up! Mom and I love your jokes. The more the merrier! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you there! Roast beast and I wonder what with with it? And what was for dessert? Mom said to tell you she LOVES the Halloween header~! She got especially tickled with Marv and Cinnamon!

  10. after viewing allisons pass, i see why ayour TG is earlier than ours, the harvest is brought in much earlier I think. I wondered if one of turkeys was on the table... i am not much of a meat eater but would eat a mean old turkey over a sweet cow . sorry, i thought it and had to say it. i am not a turkey lover or a chiken lover. having been attack 3 times in my life, turkey, goose and a rooster.

  11. Hari Om
    One of the YTubers I follow has been in Colorado this past week - and met snow on the road!!! Crazy early. You all stay warm and have a fab Thanksgiving!!! Hugswagswhiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  12. Happy Thanksgiving! Those jokes were very funny! :) <3

  13. That's a great spark and we are cracking up over your turkey jokes. Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends to the north.

  14. I love your jokes, Marv. I love your cute faces. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a hug to mom. ♥

  15. Marv Marv you are a fun-gi!!
    Hugs cecilia

  16. Happy Thanksgiving! Love the jokes! Stay warm and cozy and eat lots of Turkey all.

  17. Charlee: "Happy Thanksgiving!"
    Chaplin: "We hope you all got a little taste of the roast beast!"

  18. Happy Thanksgiving day to you! Your jokes cracked us up!

  19. HAH! You crack me up! Happy Thanksgiving! The peeps have me worried they won't have turkey either. Pop says it's a lot of work for TW.

  20. Yikes on the early snow! Ahahahaha funny jokes, Marv! Great spark, and Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Oh no snow please! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!

  22. Happy Thanksgiving friends and hope you had a great weekend. Wonderful jokes and that was a Sparkling Spark! We always enjoy visiting even if it is so darn cold Brrr

  23. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Hope there is a big feast.

    We Sibes LOVE snow, but Mom - not so much. She really doesn't like ice. We keep telling her it will be here soon!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  24. Nice spark and great jokes. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. XO

  25. Happy Thanksgiving Marv and family. LOVE the Live Out Loud!!

  26. Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for the fun post!

  27. MOL! Those turkeys are crazy! We have a couple here and they come into our yard and dig in the grass and make a big mess. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

  28. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Turkey Tetris? I don't think so

  29. happee bee lated thanx bee givin jokez iz grate, we hope mum getz thoz tirez on in time, N pleez say her did KNOT cook a bass terd burd for dinner !!!! YOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  30. Egg-cellent turkey jokes, you two! We hope you had a super special Thanksgiving!

  31. Great turkey jokes. We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!