Friday, October 8, 2021

Caturday (and Dog) Art!

 Hi Guys! I had an exciting week! Mom was outside digging in the front lawn almost every day this week (before the nasty flying aphids filled the air in the warm in the afternoons). 

This was so much fun! I would tear across the road and attack Mom's feet! I would bring her live game! I would dig in the dirt! I would roll in the dirt! I would hiss at Cinnamon! When she was in the back yard painting the kitchen cupboard doors, I would try to grab her hands and I walked across the wet paint several times. Mom did not appreciate white footprints on the deck, but I did NOT care!! I, Marv, was happy that I could play with Mom. 

For Caturday, we have 2 pieces...furrst is the photo of me sleeping on the bed that Kozmo posted yesterday. I think it is a lovely piece of art!

And we did a portrait of our cousin Jewel! Jewel is our Aunt Laurie and Uncle Fred's Airedale.
We are going to pawticipate in Athena and her Mum Marie's Arts Caturday! Please click on her button to be whisked to England where Athena and her Mum live! There you will see Artsy Caturday Central and find all the links to all the other terrific art!


  1. Lovely art - and it sounds like you had SO much fun this week, Marv.

  2. Oh Marv, the colors in your artwork are most magnificent! Jewel's art is fabulous as well, but yours takes the cake!

  3. Oh my.......what BEAUTIFUL artwork your Mom creates.....Marv you look amazing on that blankie and your friend Tara - wow.

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. What beautiful pieces of artwork! Jewel - you look fabulous!

  5. Both art is beautiful. I am glad you had such a good time Marv, even if you did get painty paws everywhere.

  6. Marv, you completely wore poor Precious out by seeing all the things that you were able to do outside with your mom. She's ready to go back to bed now that she ate breakfast just by reading your story. We're glad you had such a good time with your mom and hope that she got the cabinet doors painted very well. We have to take advantage of all the good weather we can get with cold weather will be close behind. We love the artwork have a good nap.

  7. Marv, that art work of you is totally gorgeous. Of course YOU are totally gorgeous so of course so is the artwork. Everyone your Mom did is beautiful . And your cousin Jewel? Incomparable!
    Marv, you had the best time playing ever! The footprints were a special touch and I would have to have saved one of those to always see, if I was your mommy. XX

  8. Marv I had almost as much fun reading about your activities as you did doing them.
    Love both pieces of art
    Hugs cecilia

  9. Love, love, LOVE your art!
    Off to puzzle...thanks.

  10. It sounds like you had a great time being out with your mom, Marv. We love both those pictures.

  11. Awesome artwork, Marv and Mom Barb!

    Hey Marv, you sure did have fun in the yard. We enjoyed reading of your antics. :)


  12. pet art is your thing. these are extraordinary. so beautiful.. and wow, Marv you had quite the day, from critters to painting the porch with your paws... darn aphids

  13. Fabulous art! And Marv, sounds like you have been busy . . .

  14. Hari Om
    Marv, what a furbyoulush week you seem to have had - and I am sure that mum was happy to see you happy, even if a tad mischevious!!! The artwork is excellent. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. Both images delightful, but also fiendish as a jigsaw! We loved them both and Mrs H even did the second in just 13.35 minutes!

  16. These are both great, but the one of Marv is my favorite. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  17. That is a beautiful photo of Marv on the bed.

  18. Oh my, the arty is just beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  19. Marv you are a pawful my friend and have such a good time we wish we could zip up and visit. Wait! We have to do that but Dad is so behind what he calls the "8 ball." He is kind of silly as we cant see any balls around except the ones Rumpy whaps. Love you Art! It is really great you look like a wild cat. Jewel looks good too. Purrs friends

  20. That's really beautiful art, both of them!

  21. Both pieces of art are amazing. I get the giggles thinking of your mom digging in the dirt like Cinny would do.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Such a lot of fun you've been having, Marv!
    And your art is pawsome. Your Mom is so talented.

  24. Your Mom's art work is spectacular. We saw another fantastic one at 15 Cats and Meowing. Simply gorgeous.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  25. What a great assistant you are to your Mom, Marv...ahem...MOL!

    Those art works are so wonderful!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!