Friday, March 28, 2025

Respect Your Cat Day

According to us felines at Casa De Marv, EVERY DAY is an opportunity to love and respect your cat, (and to fulfill their every wish...) March 28th is a day set aside specifically to celebrate the unique place cats hold in our world.

Today is not just about pampering cats with treats and playtime, it also brings attention to the importance of understanding cat behavior, advocating for their rights, and ensuring their health and wellness. 


Today Mom reflects on what it means to be a responsible cat servant and to consider how she can create a cat-friendly environment that allows us to thrive. 

We have some suggestions.

Furst we want a specialty Cat Tree!

All the Roasted Chickens we could possibly eat!

Catnip toys, catnip toys and more catnip toys!
The bestest cuddly beds
We also know that regular vet visits to ensure we stay healthy, is impawtant! Our Peeps love and respect all cats so they ensure that they help our feral relatives and community cats too!

What do you want for Respect Your Cat Day?




  1. we agree... cats are still gods ;o)

  2. Hari OM
    those seem like reasonable requests to me... Hugs and whiskeries from your pro-cat YAM-aunty xxx

  3. alas, we have no cats to honor, but we do honor both of you and all of Brians Home and any cat we see here in the streets. we see a beautiful calico most morning walks and 2 houses with cats in the window watching us walk by.. we honor cats by driving slow through the streets we know have outside cats.

  4. I agree, every day should be Respect Your Cat Day.

  5. Da Boyz and Henry all say the same thing this morning: if you respect us, then leave us alone while we are napping; no touchy because we look so darn cute.

  6. We respect our kitties here and I love Marv to pieces and have always respected him.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marvelous Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  7. Hi guys, Lynn missed the badge fur today, and since I blog on Fridays it is disgusting of her, mol. But you'll see that she does take care of me fairly well in this post, if I could just open evefurry thing I found. But the vet! Really, i do not like Dr. Feelbad and wish Lynn did not care enough to take me. She should let him poke her and stick her with needles! My catio fence went up, but it is raining so I can't actually go out yet. I guess that means her and him do care fur me some more. Precious

  8. We respect all our kitty friends and hope you get everything you want today and every day.

    1. Well, we NEVER get everything we want, when we want it, but we do get well taken care of! We hope that you guys do too! Keep being awesome guys! Marvelous Marv

  9. Charlee: "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, give it to your good kitties!"

  10. guyz…nnnnnnnnnooooooooooeeeeeeeeee…knot bass turd chikn burd 🙀🙀🙀🙀 now that fizh bed total
    lee rockz…make mom get three for each oh ewe 😺‼️🐟🐟🐟

  11. Great post. My cats run this house. :) XO

  12. We do respect our cats, but they still have to get off the toilet lid when one of us needs to use it.

  13. I’m with you guys. Every day is Respect Your Cat Day! ~Murphy

  14. Yes, indeed, guys! Every day should be respect your cat day!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!