Sunday, October 13, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!


Yes! Here in the Great White North it is THANKSGIVING!


We are especially thankful that our Mom is home for Canadian Thanksgiving!. 

Last Sunday Mommy tried to punch a hole in an asphalt road with her left knee and broke her femur. She has been ensconced far away from us in a hospital 2 hours away. our Mom is rather tenacious and made a deal with the Doctor that if she could do all the physio requirements to go home, that he would let her go, he laughed, and agreed.

After all these years, you KNOW our Mom did them and after promising the Dr and the Physio team that she would NOT EVEN ONCE put any weight on her leg, they let her go home. She has to wear this monstrosity on her leg - so far only Mr Kozmo will touch it! 

Mom called Alex and Presto! 5 hours later our Mom was home sitting on our sofa. 

 Now to make THANKSGIVING even more special, here are some photos of us!

I'm not touching that thing on your leg! You do it Jo Jo!

Mom, you smell icky! And I'm MAD that you were not home!

You KNOW that I, Kozmo will LOVE you too bits!

I am so sorry! I'm glad you want to play with me!

 Barb here, I am especially THANKFUL this Thanksgiving! I believe that all the exceptional thoughts, wishes, prayers and purrayers for my recovery sent by my Friends, Furrends and Family had a major part in this whole event. 


  1. Hari OM
    It's so good that you could be home for Thanksgiving, Barb... crikey though, gal, if ever there was a sign to slow down!!! Sending loads more healing vibes your way, YAM xx

  2. ha-pee fankgibbenz!!!! glad yoo iz home wif your nursing crew!!!!

  3. That is a Thanksgiving miracle that you were able to go home. We're happy to hear the doctor let you go home and have our paws crossed that you make a speedy and complete recovery.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving and I pray you heal up quickly!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all!! POor Mom - we hope she heals well and quickly.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  6. Katie and I send our lot and care...and purrs and prayers for your recovery, I went through a grievous injury to both my knees but never out it in any of our blogs at the household here and never Face Book. I am better. Still taking Therapy Kozmo..after your Thanksgiving and if your mom is better, come to our Thanksgiving as my honored

  7. Y'all be nice to your Mom, she needs to not take another tumble. Happy Thanksgiving gang!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friends. We are so glad Mom Barb was able to come home so you can all be together. Sending love and healing purrs!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving! I am glad to hear the doctor let you go home, now make sure you do exactly as you are supposed to. Don't go thinking, " It won't hurt if I just do this or that." It will hurt!!
    You certainly made a good job of breaking your femur. At least when I broke my leg it was the lower part (tibia and fibula) back in 2006. The bonus of that was that inactivity and boredom started me blogging. You already blog so what was your excuse?
    Heal well and be careful.

  10. Barb I am so glad they let you go home. That Contraption on your leg, brings back horrible memories. It's ironic and on September the 11th that you would talk about your car wreck and now you have to go this week's later and crash into the pavement. Please follow instructions and get well soon. Precious and I see all your turkey cartoons and remember the one that you sent us years ago. Her and Jo Jo.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!