We have so much fun being Pirates, Kozmo and I thought we would repeat some of our ARRR-Some Jokes!

Do YOU know any pirate jokes? Tell us your favorite!
We have mentioned that our furrend Lucifer was left behind to fend for himself when his owner moved. Mom and her furrend Mary have been trying for 2 months to trap him so he can be neutered. We hope that he will then become a gentleman (like Merel and Lindy our neighbourhood cats) who Mom and Mary caught a couple of years ago. Lucifer will come back and live with Merel and Lindy where it is nice and warm and the Racoons can't eat his food before he gets a chance to eat it (Mom has been feeding him outside where he used to live, he is super skittish and won't let anyone near him.) It is starting to get cold at night.
We are so Thankful we have a PAWSOME home to live in and that we are part of the Cat Blogosphere!
We are pawticipating in Thankful Thursday at Brian's Blog. Click on the button to see all the other Thankfuls!
ha ha ha we love da pirates jokes!!!
ReplyDeleteHar! Har! Har! on you Arrh Arh Arrh jokes. I hope you can capture poor Lucifer and get him returned to a safer place. I bought cat food to feed the black cat that came in our yard twice, but have not seen him in over a month.. now I don't know what to do with the food.
ReplyDeleteI, Precious as a previous orphan, hope Lucifer makes it be a great outdoor kitty who understands he is gittin' help not hurt. I am so glad to see you Marv and you Kozmo up to yer old jokes. I am a Pirates maiden not a pirate. Precious
ReplyDeleteahoy me matey’s anda happee pie ratz day two ewe all 🐬🦈🐋⛵️‼️😺and de bezt of fishez two ewe
ReplyDeletelucifer 💙💚‼️
Ahoy! Great pirate jokes.
ReplyDeleteThank you for helping Lucifer!
ReplyDeleteWhat type of trap are you using; a step-on-the-plate one?
If so, consider covering it with a sheet or even a paper leaf bag; cats like to go where it's dark.
Also, good stinky food works...dribble some in front and up the trap to draw him in.
If you already know this stuff, sorry, am just letting you know what has worked for us.
Let us know how it goes!
This is a riddle
ReplyDeleteWhy does it take a pirate so long to learn the alphabet? Because the get stuck at “c”
Lucifer was definitely a challenge. Maybe once neuter you can call him Luc
Thank you for the fun Pirate graphics and funnies
Hugs cecilia
That was a fun pirate post gang! Good luck with catching the elusive Lucifer!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! No walking thee plank for you. I will add Lucifer to my prayer list. XO
ReplyDeleteThose are some knee slapper pirate jokes. We hope your mom can capture Lucifer soon.
ReplyDeleteThose are fun jokes! I hope you can trap Lucifer.
ReplyDeleteHari Om
ReplyDeleteLove the new blog banner, and you always ace Pirate Day!!! Hugswagswhiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx
Please keep us updated on Luci!
ReplyDeleteCharlee: "Poor Lucifer, abandoned by his family! If we were pirates, we would make them walk the plank for just leaving him behind like that!"
ReplyDeleteGood pirate jokes, you guys! We are purring Mom and Mary are able to trap and neuter Lucifer soon. Before it gets cold. XO
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you had such fun on Pirate Day and hope Lucifer decided the trap is a good place for a meal soon, he might get scared but it will be the start of the best life he can possibly live at this point, he just doesn't know it yet.