Saturday, September 21, 2024

Fall Equinox, a Mini Pow Wow and A Dog Video

 Are you celebrating the change of the season?

Today is the Fall Equinox and there was a big celebration in our teenie tiny village on Saturday! The Midway Social Centre invited the Red Earth Society (our local Metis association) to celebrate. Mom had a terrific time (and she ate too much bannock!) 
Here are a couple of photos!
This is a Pow Wow drum! This particular drum is called Grand Mother and when she was taken out of her deerskin bag, a special song is sung. Everyone who is there drums and sings the song. Then the drum is allowed to rest and enjoy the festivities before the real drumming starts. 
First up was the dancing. The ladies put on their special regalia and went down to the learning circle.

Mom did not get any shots (she will publish some later on FB when she gets them from the people who went).  Mom stayed at the Centre so late comers would know where to go. We could hear the ladies with their hand drums and listen to their singing as they danced around the circle. When they changed out of their regalia, some of them changed into their special ribbon skirts. Mom thought they were gorgeous and she wants one!

After everyone came back, they got Bannock! Matt (the bannock maker) lives right across the river from us and he sells his bannock at the farm market. It is DELICIOUS!  Especially with Mom's Blueberry Garlic Jelly (yes, Mom still makes it and it seems like everyone in Midway LOVES it too)!
Mom came home very tired and we are currently all laying on top of her, but for your enjoyment, we have a VIDEO of the Nut Case err Nutmeg one wheeling with Alex!


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This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!