Saturday, August 10, 2024

Spoil Your Dog Day!


There are 2 spoiled dogs living here at Casa de Marv! 
Right now, the BABY Nutmeg is getting ALL the attention! Here is is with Mom! Look at how tall she is! I think she is 2 times taller than when Mom first started walking her.

Her favorite thing in the whole wide world is chasing bubbles! Mom bought a great bubble gun and even I, Marvelous, think killing bubbles is fun!

She sure loves our sister Jo Jo too! 

as well as her haity slobbery sister Cinnamon! Here they are playing bitey face!

Speaking of Cinnamon, she is the OTHER spoiled dog at our house!

Right now Cinnamon is not feeling well (she needs some purrayers please). In May of 2022 she had surgery and a 3.5 pound tumor was taken off her side. It had grown really fast and the vet asked Mom to bring Cinnamon in if any new ones appeared. Last September another tumor was taken off her leg and vet sent it out for biopsy, the results were not good. Cinnamon has grade 3 mast cell tumors and that removing them would/could cause more and that has happened. Since the extreme heat this summer, she has not been her normal bouncy self. Nutmeg coming to live with us had made Cinnamon much happier and she has been frolicking, but the extreme heat has worn her down. Right now we are just keeping her comfortable but she has not been eating much and sleeps most of the time laying in front of the air conditioner. 

Cinnamon sends slobbery kisses.

Today we are spoiling them both! They will get they favorite! (Ice cream with Cheese flavored Friskie Cat Treats)!

I am so furry lucky to have such wonderful woofies in my life! 



  1. JoJo looks very happy with Nutmeg. I am sorry Cinnamon is not well and send good thoughts and prayers for her.

  2. Hari OM
    I love the ussie of mum and Nutmeg... but mostly I am concentrating on sending POTP x 87 to Cinnie. Darling dog, that big cee can be cruel, but you are so loved I know that you will be kept comfy and happy and properly spoiled to see you through your illness. Marv, be sure to give Cinnie a kiss on the schnoz from me, won't you? Hugswagswhiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We have prayers and purrs for Cinnamon. We love here all the way over here. Glad Nutmeg has found your home fur her furever home.

  4. Purring for Cinnamon.
    Chasing bubbles sounds like all kinds of fun!

  5. Both your pups are lucky to be living with you kitties. We have our paws crossed for Cinnamon and hope she feels better soon.

  6. i missed spoiled dog day and i may have one even more spoiled than Cinnie and Nutmeg.. possibly. POTP and prayers for Cinnamon and Mom, it hurts us moms to the core for our babies to be sick... so sorry about this report..

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Dearest Cinny my extra sweet friend. I send you lots of purrs and love and healing thoughts.
    The heat has been horrid so I understand how miserable you have been.

    Cinnamon sweet sister to all
    In the water and loving it
    Nicest friend to all
    Ncredible soulful eyes
    You are the sweetest spice and full of everything nice.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. So sorry to read about Cinny's passing.
    She at least knew true love till that nasty cancer showed up.
    Mariette + Kitties

  10. We are sorry to hear about Cinny and send purrayers and POTP to her and to all of you !

  11. We send you lots and lots of Spaniel kisses and healing vibes, Cinnamon♥ Take good care of her, Nutmeg, and enjoy your ice cream!

  12. We are so sorry to hear about Cinnamon. We remember that big surgery she had. We have all our paws crossed for her and are sending lots of Sibe vibes for her to be feeling better.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Sweet photos. I will add Cinnamon to my prayer list. XO

  14. Prayers for Cinnamon. You know how I love all of you.

    Love and hugs all around. ♥

  15. Lulu: "What?! We missed Spoil Your Dog Day?"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, well, we did get taken for a nice long walk at the park."
    Lulu: "True, but where were the treats???"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, that's a good point ..."
    Lulu: "We're sorry to hear that Cinnamon has been feeling poorly. We send lots of tail wags her way."
    Chaplin: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!