Sunday, July 2, 2023

Is it July - already?

 Hi Guys~ Yes it is July! Where does the time go?

We have had a busy month...our Mom's Step Mom passed away and our Grampy has been furry sad. Mom and her sisters have been trying to help him through this tough time. Well, mostly Mom's middle sister...she lives in the same city as Grampy. We live about 10 hours away, but together they found Grampy a new place to live, got him moved and settled in. 

Grampy says he is starting on his Fifth Big Adventure!

Speaking of adventures! It was Canada Day yesterday!

 This is what it looked like here yesterday...can you see the geese on the bank just by the other side of the river? They are YELLING at Kozmo! He was chasing the baby geese and they swam over and started giving him heck!

Undeterred, he caught a mouse and brought it in for Mom for breakfast! Mom threw the mouse out for the Crows and headed off to the pancake breakfast at the park. 

Around Noon, Alex and some of his friends went tubing on the river. When he took his friends back to pick up their truck, Cinnie went for a ride. And when they got there, she rescued a stick!!

Several times!

We are using this photo for Selfie Sunday!

And Mom went and watched the parade! In our village almost all the kids take part. This is one of our neighbours.

Jessica pedalled her bike the whole parade!

THe day was beautiful and the fireworks were spectacular! When they started, Mom sat on the front step and watched them, we all went down to the basement and laid on the bed in Alex's Man Cave! It was a wonderful day! We hope you all have the purrfect July Fourth!


You all know how to have so much fun and we love visiting you! 

The Cat On My Head started and has been hosting Selfie Sunday FOREVER! We can't wait to go to their blog and see who all is linked up this week!  

Now click their badge to be whisked to Selfie Central



  1. Sorry about your mom's stepmom. Glad you had a nice Canada Day and those are great pics!

  2. Big healing hugs. I hope Grampy does fine in his new digs.

    Cinnie was having a ball. Adorable.

    Happy Canada Day.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to you. ♥

  3. I am sorry about your mom's step mom. I hope Grampy does well in his new home.
    Sounds like you all had a great day.

  4. A belated happy Canada Day to you all! My what a fun time you all had. That mouse looks tasty, I wonder if there are any spare you could post over.....
    We are sorry for your loss, but pleased that Grampy has a new home and starting a whole new adventure. That is what life is about, not dwelling in the past.
    Stay well Marv and family
    ERin & Mrs H

  5. so good to see you here. good job on the mouse hunt, not so good on the geese chasing. those goose really yell loud. I don't like geese at all. sorry Gramp is alone again and had to move. he looks happy. Happy belated Canada Day, sorry we missed it. I forgot to check the july calendar, been feeling down a little bit and thought who cares about days and now i feel mad because I missed it. so glad Cinnie got to chase that stick. we are dreading the fireworks that are on the way.

  6. PS. don't ever change your header. I LOVE IT!!!!! it is purrfect, pawfect and perfect

  7. PS. don't ever change your header. I LOVE IT!!!!! it is purrfect, pawfect and perfect

  8. WEll dun Cinnamon!! You look so cute with yore rescued stick!! An Kozmo that was a PREE-MOW Mousie you cott fore Miss Barb.....butt bettur fore THE Crowss to eat it!
    An Miss Barb yore new Header lookss speck-taculur!
    Happy Catnada Day an Happy 4th two!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  9. Dear Marv, doesn't your mom know you can not live by pancake alone. She should have mousie protein. After all, Kozmo did great trying to increase her protein! And your Grampy, so sad to see he has lost his mate. But a new place to start over, and maybe meet new folks to help with the lonely days. We had local
    fireworks here last night, and I did good and still slept in our chair, when Lynn checked on me at midnight. A couple thundery nights, I slept in the bottom of the closet. And you know, I am a top of the closet girl. Give Princess Jo Jo a furry friendly purr fur-om me. I am so glad to see you, and Cinnie did good savin' a drowning stick. Precious

  10. oh Canada!!!!! hey marv!!! cinnie, good job rescuing that stick!!

  11. We're sorry about your Mom's step-Mom. It's always good to see you. Too bad your Mom didn't appreciate her present.

  12. Gentle hugs for your Grandpy as he settles into his new life ~ and happy Canada Celebration to all of you, what a wonderful day it was. Good to see you here (that made us happy!)

  13. Happy Canada Day and Happy 4th of July. We stayed in the house while the fireworks were going on, Teddy is terrified of them.

  14. We are very sorry that you lost your Step Mom, and purrs to Grampy as he starts off on his new adventure. As we live in Metro Detroit, Canada Day and Independence Day are celebrated on both sides of the border with lots of fireworks, and we are glad that Da Boyz aren't too bothered, while Sweetie is deaf.

  15. We are sorry for your loss and hope Grampy can find peace and comfort in this chapter. Phod is totally jealous about the whole swimming thing. Lee and Phod

  16. Cinnamon's 'rescue' made me laugh so LOUD!!! Good one.

    I am sorry you lost a your Step Mum, but I am glad randad is having a new adventure - Good For Him.

  17. We are sure sorry to hear about Grampy's sad. It looks like lots of fun has been happening up your way!

  18. Please accept my condolences for the loss of your mom's step-mom. I pray your Grampy will be comforted by the love of family and friends and enjoy his new place.

    Never bother the geese, they are mean! We have Canadian geese which no longer migrate north, they live here year 'round and they are chasing away all the other water fowl.

    Talk about a mighty hunter! I'm sure the scavengers enjoyed the breakfast.

    Cinnie, it's wonderful to get a stick to play with, and to get to play in the water with it is fabulous.

    I am so glad you had such a fun and happy Canada Day!

  19. You sure have had a busy week. We have our paws crossed for your Grampy during this transitional time for him.

  20. I am sorry for the loss of your mom's step-mom. Your Grampy looks very sweet. I hope he likes his new place. How kind of Cinnamon to rescue the stick so many times. Happy Belated Canada Day!! XO

  21. We are very sorry to hear of your step mom's passing. Sending lots of purrs and prayers for the whole family, but especially Grampy.

    Good job rescuing that stick, Cinnie. And Kozmo, for a minute, we thought maybe the geese were yelling "Happy Canada Day" to you, but it sounds like it was about you messing with their babies. A different kind of yelling. Happy belated Canada Day, by the way!

    Hugs to you all, sweet pals.

  22. Kozmo! It’s best to leave those baby geese alone.

  23. hugs to your grampy... and all the best to your furmily.....

  24. What a great way to stay nice and cool, Cinnamon! We are so very sorry for your loss. Hugs♥

  25. Lulu: "I kind of wish we had a bunker for when the fireworks start."
    Chaplin: "They said basement, not bunker."
    Lulu: "Same thing."
    Charlee: "We cats send lots of purrs for you and your Grampy for your stepmom's passing."
    Java Bean: "And we dogs send tail wags!"

  26. Lovely post, good to see you all again and Happy Canada Day!

  27. Oh I am so very sorry about Grampy's loss of his wife. He has a mighty fine smile!! May his new living situation bring him new joy.

    Cinnie you are one cool looking friend
    Hugs cecilia

  28. Happy Belated Canada Day!!!! I am happy you got to celebrate, but am very sad about Grampy and the loss of your Step Mom. I'm sooo sorry (((hugs))). Thank you for your lovely comment on our blog today! YOU keep being awesome too!! xoxo

  29. Dang, I know I was here and left a comment, oh google. We're sorry to hear about Grampy's loss and yours too. Boy, Cinnamon sure is having some water fun.

  30. From Kitties Blue: We can no longer comment on any blogs set up as yours is other than as anonymous. We used to be able to go to Chrome and use our Google Account but that no longer works. We were so delighted to see you this weekend. Please accept our condolences on the death of Mom Barb’s step mom. Looks like you had a great Canada Day. Sending warm hugs to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  31. Thank you so much for the 4th of July card! Looks like you had a great Canada Day. Can't believe your mom would rather have pancakes than a mouse for breakfast! Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty

  32. Sorry about your mom's stepmom.
    A new adventure could be a good thing for Grampy!
    Cinnie seems to have fun!
    Be well in your world!

  33. WOW looks like you had a much more active Canada day than I did! What fun! Very nice of Cinnie to find that lost stick so many times!

  34. I'm sorry for your family's loss. The rest made me smile, aside from a dead critter. lol Best wishes, my dears.

  35. Our sympathies to you Barb, on the loss of your Step Mom. And to your Dad. We hope he'll enjoy his new living arrangements.

    We hung out our Canadian Flag on Canada Day...and petcretary wore one of her Canada Tee shirts...and she phoned her sister who lives in Canada.

    The fourth wasn't too noisy for us, the hot air balloons cased Benji way more distress than any boomers...go figure.

    Those geese can be mean...for real! That was a nice fat mouse! Almost as fat as the mole one of us pups dug out of the ground...and then iit didn't even want to play with us anymore, BOL!

    You're good at stick rescuing duties, Cinnie!

    That sure looked like a fun parade. The town nearby to ours had a similar parade...not sure why ours doesn't do one, though it might be because we have the Balloon Festival and Field of Flight at the same time.

    Enjoy the rest of July and summertime!

  36. We are furry sorry for your loss. On a happier note, it looks like you had a wonderful Catnada Day!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!