Thursday, February 16, 2023

Finally, It's FF & F Friday!

The Friendly Fill-Ins

1. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that ___________________________.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my human brother is as comfortable to lay on as my Mom! (Valentines Day is the first time EVER that I have laid on my brother).

 2.  I am disappointed with _____________________.

I am disappointed with the Ground Hog Stand-in for Ground Hog Day. Our Peep got the Gopher from CaddyShack out of the basement. I found his dancing scared me!

3. I _________ when I hear _________.


 I hide under the bed when I hear Ella*.
(* Ella is the dog that lives in the house by the river. She scares the heck out of all the cats!)

 4. I didn’t believe _________ until I saw it for myself.

I didn’t believe the HUGENESS of the mice on Cat TV (YouTube) until I saw it for myself.

The Sponsors for the Friendly Fill-ins are


The Friendly Fill-ins are written by 15 and Meowing (the first 2) and the second two are written by Four-Legged Fur Balls! We hope you enjoyed learning about Me Marvelous Marv as much as we love learning about you dear furrends.

Now my Feline Friday Photo!

Please click the button to be taken to Feline Friday! Tell Mimi that Marvelous sent you!




  1. we dislike that groundhog too... he is as wrong as the tv weather guy

  2. That was a thoughtful Valentine's gift to lay on your human brother.

  3. I enjoyed you fill ins the one laying on your humanic brother made me smile lol :-)

    Have a groundhoglesstastic week 👍

  4. Dear Marv, we are so glad you were taking a snooze on your human brother after all these years. Lynn says to tell you that your magazine cover reminds her of the one she got years ago caught Good Mousekeeping. The same kind of fun cat Adventures as yours must have. And I have to tell you I saw the final episode of the nature show about wild doggies and Wild wolfies. One of those Fox howeled at the moon so loud that my ears started swiveling like a satellite dish. Precious

  5. We love your fill ins, some of them gave us a good laugh. Nice magazine cover you have :)

  6. Hari Om
    Oh yes, I'd buy that magazine! I, too, am impressed that you gifted your hu-bro with a cuddle on Valentine's... and enjoyed your fill ins! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. I would like to have a signed copy of your magazine m a r v! I will buy it if you will sign it with a paw print. I'm glad you chose Valentine's Day to lay on your brother's stomach and I know he was happy too what a perfect Valentine Day gift

  8. We love learning about you with the fill-ins, but that magazine is great!

  9. You look very happy on your brother's lap, Marv.

  10. A new snuggle partner is always a good find - enjoy sweet Marv! I love your fill ins.

  11. Charlee: "Our Dada said the Caddyshack gopher is all right, don't nobody gotta worry about him. Then he laughed and laughed and laughed."
    Chaplin: "Maybe we don't have to worry about the Caddyshack gopher but I think we may have to worry about Dada."

  12. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what a fun Feline Friday...and a comfy brovver
    Beware of Ella
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Great fill ins and great magazine cover!

  14. MOL!! Pawsome answers to the fill-ins Marv!
    That magazine handsome ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  15. We keep repeating ourselves, but you do have the loveliest smile, Marv!

    The Chans

  16. MARV! I love that you finally got on your brother. I don't spend as much time on mine as he wishes I would but I do spend some time. I LOVED all the fill-ins! And that magazine cover...I would buy that magazine in a NY minute! And you DO have the best smile of any kitty. I have said it a few times but I notice it every time!

  17. Those were such good answers and Marv, your magazine looks wonderful!!!

  18. Sign me up for a subscription to your magazine. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am glad you decided to sit on your brother. Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  19. LOVE that magazine cover!!! And I always enjoy how you have a photo to go with your fill ins.

  20. You gave your brother a "marvelous" Valentine's gift and i really like that magazine cover. It's most clever.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  21. Never trust a groundhog, especially one who lived in the cellar

  22. Great fill-in answers. I don't sit or lay on nobody!

  23. So much love, that you had to give some to your unfurbro!! So sweet of you, Marv!

    That magazine cover made me want to go out and by it! LOL!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!