Friday, February 10, 2023

Caturday Art with the Tabbies

Furrst, Kozmo found this vintage Valentine! He and Jo Jo and me  are sending it to you my dear furrends! 

We are blowing you kisses!

After Mom washed the floors and vacuumed our play rug, she popped open our red cube. We have not had it to play with for a while and Furrst in was me Marv, and when I was done, it was Jo Jo! Mom took some photos and I thought I could create some cool art. 

Would you believe this is NOT a real photo but is a cool collage? This is 2 pictures put together as me and Jo Jo don't get very close.

Here we are as a Watercolor

preview120pieceWaterColor Marv and Jo Jo 

And here we are as a Day-Glo Sketch!

 And (of course) a puzzle!

 This week Marie and Athena are also talking about the rescue operations going on in Turkey and Syria and the poor pets that have been affected by the devastation. As I, Marvelous was originally a street cat who came from Iran, I purrticularly feel for these poor animals. Athena and Marie also made a most gorgeous Valentine! Wowzers!

We LOVE Athena and her Mum Marie! And we know that you do too! We so look forward to their wonderful art every week. You can click on her button to be magically whisked to their blog which is Artsy Caturday Central


  1. I would not have known that wasn't a real of you both together. I love it, such a cute collage. :-) The artwork is pawsome!

    Angel Nicki used to tear cubes in a matter of minutes, he would play so vigorously. LOL.

  2. Happy Valentine to all of you. That is a great photo of you "together". My favourite art is the Watercolour. In the Day Glo you seem to be disappearing into the carpet like a magical cat, Marv.

  3. Marv I am glad that you got the red Box warmed up so that princess JoJo could have her turn. You two made a great Valentine picture. We sure hope those kitties get saved as much as possible and the Wolfies too that must be running loose. It makes me cry. Precious

  4. Hari OM
    I have to admit I did wonder at that photo and think, JoJo must be really relaxing these days if you shared the cube together! Still... one day, who knows?! In the meantime, it's a lovley image - and the water colour version is my fave. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. that earthquake just hurts my heart, for all it has effected, the ones that are living are suffering because there is no food,water, homes or shelters or doctors. LOVE LOVE LOVE the combo pic, and the watercolor, butt you knew I would

  6. We are purring for all beings that are affected by the tragedy.
    Lovely art; am off to puzzle...thanks.

  7. That tunnel looks like it is fun to play in. We wish we had a tunnel big enough for us too. It was fun to try your puzzle.

  8. That is a fun vintage Valentine!

    I love the art, and thanks for the puzzles.

  9. You are so artistic! I remember old Valentine's cards like that. At grade school we had to get a little card for all of our classmates, whether we liked them or not, and for our teacher.

  10. We have totally demolished our cubes. It's high time #1 got us some new ones!

    That's a wonderful collage! We would never have guessed.

    The Chans

  11. we are also praying for all those animals and people! Great collage

  12. Love the art, and we adore antique Valentines! The earthquake is just heartbreaking.

  13. You two wonderful tabbies are such masterpieces!

  14. Both of these came out great. You fooled me, I thought you and JoJo were right next to each other. Thank you for the puzzles. Penny is excited about Valentine's Day, she is going to wear her best dress. XO

  15. Tha turned out so well, Marv and Jo Jo! We would have never guessed it a collage.

  16. Very cool collage and I love the vintage Valentine!

  17. I would never have know it was a collage! Wonderfully done.

  18. We would neffur have guessed it was a collage, Marv.
    The art is really great!

  19. Love the valentine and the photo art is fabulous.xx😻💕💗🐾

  20. That Vintage Valentine card looks amazing, Granny once had shoes like that, well..she's vintage too...MOL Your artwork is fantastic, it looks like a cartoon😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  21. Your Caturday Art ideas were brilliant!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!