Saturday, January 21, 2023

Happy Year of the Rabbit!


Yesterday, I, Marvelous got out my ephemeris and I calculated all the Chinese Horoscopes for 2023 (The year of the Rabbit). If you are interested, the Chinese horoscopes are on their own page on the website. You can find out which Animal you are, the Personality Traits, the Yearly Forecast for your sign, your Lucky Numbers and Lucky Colors. You can get there by clicking this button

or you can click the page in the Tab Bar.
Now for the Selfie! 
This week Cinnamon stepped up, but part way though she wanted to play with her new ball.

Are you guys celebrating? We are! We get Chinese Food tonight. Mom makes the best (she used to work in a Chinese Restaurant) and she makes a special Chicken Chow Meow and Chicken Chow Bow Wow (no sauce, no stir fry) just for us. We can't wait! 
Did you do anything special for the Lunar New Year?

Now, we are pawrticipating in Selfie Sunday over at The Cat On My Head! They have been running Selfie Sunday for a long, long time! We LOVE the Kitties Blue and we can't wait to see them! Click on their button to head to Selfie Central! 


  1. I need to look at this horoscope it sounds fun. Happy New Year Marv

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  2. Cinnie you look amazing and what big teeth you have, love little red riding madsnapper. I checked the button and I am a Monkey, it says bright, smart and curious. RIGHT! I am... it says things will be better this year and i have fingers crossed that they will. tired of getting knocked down as soon as i get upright. it says my colors are white, blue and gold, and those colors are my least favorite, but I did chuckle because I changed Beaus header and just noticed the three colors are on his blog... thanks Marv for the info. Barb, i saw on yams post you said you bp went crazy and had to get a second pill. that happened to bob and his second pill works too. glad yours is working

  3. Cinnamon you did a great selfie. I think maybe that Marv was jealous you wanted to play ball. I think you all for stopping by to visit me and see my new blanket. Right now it's 5:30 in the morning pitch dark outside, trying to snow a little bit, and I've got my head stuck out the window. As soon as my whiskers get cold enough I'm going under the bed onto my new blankie. Lynn loves Chinese food. But mostly we have to get it at a restaurant, cuz she's not really into cooking with a wok. Precious

    1. Mom sure misses the restaurants on the Coast. Heck, she just misses restaurants. She would love to eat a meal she did not cook. I, Marv, would love to visit you in your UTB cave! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

  4. Hari OM
    Oh, I'll pop over and read my scope right now... (I's a boar/pig). Cinnamon, you are gawjuss, galdog!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Mummy loves Chinese food, but She neffur makes it herself. Auntie N. makes great Chinese food though, according to Mummy.

  6. Pee Ess. Cinnamon, those are great Selfies.

  7. What a cute selfie, Cinnamon. You know, chinese food sounds purrfect for tonight. Happy Selfie Sunday!

  8. Great selfies, Cinnamon, and I agree - playing ball is the bestest!

  9. I do love Chinese food too. But tonight's supper will be homemade beef veggie soup it is simmering in the crock pot now. Very dreary raining and barely 40 degrees for a high in Dixie
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Cinnie, we love your selfie! And we're having Chinese food today, too. Happy (Hoppy?) year of the Rabbit!

  11. We all will be very pleased if this Year of the Rabbit is peaceful!

  12. Happy Chinese New Year to all of you too! We don't even have a proper Chinese restaurant in our town!

    Ollie loves the pics of Cinnie!

    Purrs and Woofs,
    The Chans and Ollie

  13. Cinnie, my mom and I love you best of all the woofies...and we wanted you to know. XXXXX

  14. You're such a sweet doggie, Cinnamon. Did you know Granny is a doggie too and we're the Tigers...yeah😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Chinese New Year to all of you. May it be Peaceful and Happy🐰🐾😽💞

  15. Thanks for that important info. We thought all the holidays were already passed.

  16. I'm coming to YOUR house!! I usually do get Chinese but might have to wait until next week to get it. Lenny doesn't love Chinese so it's a battle to get him to agree to it. I think the Chinese New Year is like 16 days so hopefully I'll have Chinese next weekend. I bet YOUR food is delicious!

  17. Chinese food! We will have to ask our unfurbro to make in din-din for us tonight...he's good at it. Petcretary? Not so much, BOL!

  18. Nice Selfies and your dinners sound YUMMY!!

  19. Wee not cellybrate Lunar Mew Yeer butt wee did eat Chinese food last nite ;)
    Cinnymon yore so cute!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  20. Our Lady and her Dad are both rabbits, so Lady hopes this means somethings will start to go right in her life. Happy New Year! Lee and Phod

  21. Cinnamon you look gorgeous! Happy Chinese new year

  22. Happy New Year!!! Cinnamon, that's such a nice bunch of selfies!

  23. That sounds yummy! Sadly, we don't have any plans. Enjoy that ball, Cinnamon :)

  24. Greetings from Idaho. I came over from K-ten. In Chinese horoscope I'm a rat. Cinnamon look like she is a healer.
    If you find the time stop in for a cup of coffee.

  25. Happy Chinese New Year! We didn’t do anything to celebrate…but Chinese food sure sounds good. Cinnamon took a great selfie despite being distracted by her ball.

  26. Happy Chinese New Year!!! Our human sister-in-law is from Taiwan. She and our human brother celebrate this holiday every year. In fact, they had two weddings, an American one here in the U.S. and a Taiwanese one in Taiwan. They actually went out for Vietnamese food tonight. Too bad Mom and Dad couldn't join them, but they live in Texas, and we are in Kansas. We heard on the news that the rabbit is a symbol of peace, so we hope that is a good sign for 2023 worldwide.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  27. Happy Lunar New Year! No matter what the fortune says, i pray your future is bright and beautiful.

  28. JUNE here, apawlogizing for mine Mommy. We came by yesterday, and she clicked over to read about the Chinese Lunar New Year. I watched her paw some notes for each of us, and then ~ silly woman, with a mind like a sieve she completely furgot to "click" back to comment on those notes! I do need a new blog owner and administrator who can think beyond 60-seconds, I'll be posting an online ad for one soon if you wish to apply. But, sorry, I digressed. Me, I belong to the Year of the Rat, which is OK as I do like "mousies" and presume they are closely related. One of the rat's preferred colors is BLUE, spot (or polka dot) on if I do say so myself. Numbers, 2 and 3. Good for me, I am 2 right now and soon to be 3! As for the year ahead, I read my "life will be exciting and interesting". To that I say "it's about time", as often this boring old woman I live with is just that: boring, same ole same ole. Later, furriends. JUNE the cat.

  29. Hello again, the hu-mom Ann here now. I must agree and disagree with some of "my cats" comments above (some quite insulting). But yes, I was forgetful, and yes, often my attention span is brief, well, non existent actually. But JUNE, I am not boring, how dare you? Old? Getting there, on the way maybe, but if you run an ad looking for a replacement, well, look out girl-cat, I can do the same, and I control the purr-se strings, remember. Anyway, for me, in case you're curious (which cats are supposed to be), it's the year of the GOAT. Sigh. Though I shall not divulge "which" year applies. There was a purrfect color assignment with RED. As in red and white stripes, on sox. As for numbers 2 and 7, well, not! For years, my number has been "1". Everyday, without fail, I will see 1:11, or 11:11 on a clock, somewhere, some clock, at some point during the day and have come to think of that as my number, wondering what it means, what will happen at one of those times, sometime in my future. Yes, it is the number "1" for me. And I'm told a "busy year" lies (or is it lays) ahead. Busy, busy, busy. What the ... I'm retired, don't need busy. And that's all there is, folks. Ann, the human.

  30. Cinnamon definitely thought the selfie contract had subclaws to do with playing with balls. Clearly a small print issue, MOL No celebrations here, being more Buddhist and not eating meat, but we wish you all a very happy new year chinese style with side of rice! 🙂

  31. I did exactly the same as Zoolatry! Thanks for the horoscopes. I am a rabbit but prefer the Vietnamese cat. I like blue and purple and 3 is lucky for me.

  32. Sweet doggie photos and Happy New Year ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  33. Happy Year of the Rabbit! (It's the Cat in Vietnam)


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!