Thursday, January 12, 2023

Feline Friday

Mom's iPhone can take Live Photos. It takes a "mini" video. Mom usually has it turned off as we usually have photos for the blog. One of the cool things you can do is make a gif!

I wanted to do something different for the first time I am pawticipating in Feline Friday at Messy Mimi's! Mom has been a follower of hers since before Queen Nellie started blogging. She is funny and she pawticipates in tons of other people's hops! One of our purrsonal favorites on her blog is  

  • Today Is: It is so cool to see the fun things that that particular day is...did you know that Yesterday (Thursday January 12) is Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day (an internet generated holiday with whatever purpose you decide to give it). and among other things Rubber Band Veteran Day
  • Birthdays Today
  • Debuting/Premiering Today
  • Today in History

 We have learned so furry much reading these on Mimi's blog.

Please click the button to be taken to Feline Friday! Tell Mimi that Marvelous sent you!



  1. Hari OM
    Love this mini movie of you Marv - get a real feel for who you are! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Hi Marv! You are moving!! You're alive!

    Wow, I didn't know you could put those live pictures on the blog. How did you make them into a GIF? Inquiring minds would love to know.

    1. There are lots of great ways to do it online. This is the simplest -

  3. Marv, you look so handsome laying there nodding your head. Hope you all have a good weekend up there. Our rain quit and now we have some cold wind and Precious has her head stuck out the window with the wind blowing up her nose and down her ears.

  4. We were kind of shocked to see your photo moving this morning, but we like your gif. Good job!

  5. That is a great gif, Marv. Nice to see you in motion!

  6. You look like you were trying to sleep when the paparazzi disturbed you, Marv. Sweet dreams.

  7. I am impressed with your gif and I take live and make them into movies and then can;t get them to upload and play. i did make it play once but now can't. will try the gif and see if it plays. I turn the live off IF I REMEMBER... thanks for the needed push to try and get it to upload now that you proved it will work...

  8. Charlee: "It's a perpetual motion meowing machine!"

  9. You look so sweet in motion, Marv!

  10. Great snow header--looks cold! I like GIF's but I don't know how to make them anymore.

  11. Marv- that is a marvelous wee little video of you! So awdorable! Sleep tight!

  12. You do look a wee bit tired Marv, the hopping wore you out.

  13. Pawsome to actually see you we love it you look gorgeous as ever.xx😻💗🐾Spike & mom.xx

  14. You are a cutie. I love Messymimi and you. XO

  15. I hope you got a good nap, you look like you needed it.

    Thanks so much for saying such nice things about my little corner of the blogosphere. I appreciate you and i appreciate your joining Feline Friday!

  16. that is a very cool gif. We are going to try to figure out how to do that too. Have a good weekend.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. We love seeing the live You! Mummy also has something like that on her Samsung meowbile phone, as well as a way to turn 2 or more still photos into a GIF.

  18. How cool that your mom made your live photo into a gif, Marv! We'll have to remember that for the future. :)


  19. There are so many wonderful cats out there


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!