Friday, December 16, 2022

Caturday with NO Art

The refrigerator died! 

We live in the middle of nowhere and to order a new one and get it delivered takes 3 – 4 weeks! Mom called all the “Big Box” stores in the 2 nearest cities and found that there was NOTHING in stock and we would have to wait 4-5 weeks! (Mostly because it is just before Christmas.)

Mom was bummed out! 

But the she remembered that Home Hardware in the nearest town and the next nearest town DID have floor models. She called the nearest town and they were sold out too. She called the next nearest and they said they had 3. Mom and Cinnamon drove down to the next nearest larger town and the Home Hardware had all 3 of their floor models from last summer on sale! Mom was furry happy they had one that would fit our kitchen and that was NOT over $2000 and we can come and get it tomorrow. She bought it on the spot.

Mom says the best thing about the cold weather is that she can box up everything in the fridge and put it in the garage until the new one can be filled tomorrow night. She is a little worried about the stuff that thawed from the freezer though…

She also says she will be busy and might not have the time to help me.


I am NOT amused!


  1. Hari OM
    ARgggggh - but, as you say, at least it is winter so not a 100% disaster. What a bummer though. (I got a nasty surprise last night when my water ran cold - checking the boiler it had the redlight of doom showing. No way was I calling out an engineer at that time of night. No spare doshables here. So I got busy doing diagnositics myself... it's back working! ) Anyway hope the new one works out good. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Marv, you look so cute and funny in your wreath. We are so sorry to hear about the refrigerator. I guess the only good thing about it is the fact that the nice clean repainted re-floored kitchen with the painted kitchen cabinets will have a new refrigerator. I can't imagine how many miles your mom must have drove to find this one. Just don't put the turkey out in the garage, The Wolves and the coyotes might smell it and come looking.

  3. Yikes!! What a time for the fridge to quit on you :(
    Glad to hear you found one and I hope the food will not spoil!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. But "bah humbug" day is not until the 21st!! Oh dear, well at least you do not live in FlaEEEdah! And we hope this does not mean Santy is leaving coal in all the sox! GRRRR, we share the lack of amewsment,
    sad and sorries for you, our friends. But: on the bright side, a new icebox won't need to be cleaned for at
    least a month or more, right? We luvs you ... be happyz.

  5. What a bummer but at least you can use the cold weather to your advantage. We hope all goes well getting your new fridge home!

  6. Oh no! These days a broken appliance is a big problem. We're glad to hear your mom found a fridge that fits your kitchen after all her looking around.

  7. That is really good thinking on your Mim' part! #1 remembers years ago when her fridge did in PEI in the middle of summer and she got the same song about it taking several weeks. She can't remember how she did it but she also found a solution!

    Purrs and Woofs,
    The Chans and Ollie

  8. I am glad your mum was quickly able to get a new fridge. At least with the cold weather everything should keep all right. Hopefully the thawed food will be okay. I have found that as long as it wasn't open it will refreeze with no problems. I found that out when someone who shall remain nameless left the top of our huge freezer in the barn open when he went to get a packet of ice lollies. The only thing I had to ditch was a pack of salmon which was on top and slightly warm to touch. I never take a chance with fish.

    1. The freezer part started blowing HOT air, everything in it was thawed out. The only things I think may have to get tossed though are about 7 frozen meals for Alex's lunches...I have a feeling it will be those we eat for supper tonight and tomorrow. I would rather have the fridge go when it is easir to get it in! The snow is awful and deep and the road to the back gate has not been shovelled or poughed as our neighbors are in Mexico I have another hour of shovelling to do before Alex gets back. I am really getting a cardi work out this winter :)

  9. Hooray for finding a new refrigerator, that was a nice stroke of luck. Y'all keep warm!

  10. Darn! What a bad thing to happen so close to Christmas. Glad she was able to find one. XO

  11. Oh no! We're sorry the fridge futzed out, but so glad you were able to find a floor model for not so much!

  12. Everything will be in place soon and we're sure mom will help you then.xx😻

  13. Emergencies happen, sometimes we have to be understanding when they have to be taken care of.

  14. Lulu: "Egad! The refrigerator? That's where the food is! Quick, eat all of it!"
    Chaplin: "That's your solution to the fridge dying? Eat all the food?"
    Lulu: "Yep."
    Chaplin: "Hmm, I guess you dogs do have good ideas once in a while ..."

  15. Sorry about your refrigerator. At least it's cold out. We had no idea it would be so hard to get a replacement.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!