Wednesday, December 28, 2022

A Special Invite to Katie Isabella & Our 2022 Thankfuls

Kozmo has asked if he could post his invite on the blog!

OF COURSE! said me and Jo Jo!

 Do you have any special events planned to ring in 2023?
Now for us cats' Thankfuls for 2022!
Singing the songs of our people any time we want.
Fresh litter (to play in and make a mess!).
A new can of cat food with warm water.
A nice back scratch.
Our favorite sleep spots in the window, the bedrooms and the man cave.
The views out the window where we can watch the neighborhood.
Sunlight that streams in through the window each afternoon and makes a nice warm spot on the cat tree.

Cinnamon's Thankfuls for 2022 are:
Any attention. At any time.
Walks, in the morning, at noon and in the afternoon.
Balls, and having someone throw them a million times a day!
Treats, and "pre-rinsing" the supper dishes.
Belly rubs
Being towelled after swimming, baths and walking in the rain.
Car rides

We would LOVE to know what your favorite thankful is!
We are pawticipating in Thankful Thursday at Brian's! Brian and his 5 siblings always have a ton of fun! Please click on their button to be magically transported to Thankful Central! 



  1. Those are great thankfuls from all of you. I am Thankful to call you my friends.

  2. Those are all wonderful things to be thankful for.

  3. we hope Katy Isabella says YES.. no plans for NY, we never do. Cinnies thankfuls fit Beau except remove the swimming and he wishes he could chase balls. all the rest are his too. you kitties have a lot more thankfuls.

  4. Kozmo, Katie Isabella will be ecstatic about going to the New Year's Eve ball with you. I'm sure she's already getting her fur all floofy. I, Precious, am thankful that it got warm enough that Lynn will let me look out the bathroom window first thing in the morning again. The window finally unfroze and she could get it open. She's thankful that the storms are all over for now. And we are thankful to be able to look forward to your blogs in the future year. Lots of purrs, Precious.

  5. You guys have great thankfuls. You must be a real ball fetching pup, Cinnamon! At our house, no one has any interest in playing with a ball, but you enjoy your fetch time.

  6. Hari Om
    Well done on all those thankfuls, cats and dog... I am just grateful to be able to travel virtually via the intermutts and visit such as yourselves - and that there is power in the lines to permit it and keep me warm. Hugswagswhiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Thank you for the good wishes on my chemo.
    I hope all treatments are as good :)
    Purrs, Julie

  8. Great thankfuls! We're thankful for your friendship.

  9. Those are all great things to be thankful for.

  10. Inquiring minds want to know:
    Do cats learn to sing the song of their people as kittens, or is it genetic?

  11. A fun party and all those wonderful thankful things. You all deserve the very best.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to your wonderful mom. ♥

  12. Wonderful thankfuls and Happy New Year all!

  13. Well, I didn't mean to be anonymous, you all have a wonderful New Year - we're grateful you are part of the Cat Blogosphere and we get updates from you cuties.

  14. Those were really nice thankfuls gang and we hope Katie sees that invite soon. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  15. We are sure that Katie Isabella will jump for joy at your invite, Kozmo!

    We are thankful that we know you all, and that you're our friends, too!
    We are thankful our snow piles are melting the temps were about 10C today. Now we have the grass to use...

  16. Great thankfuls. I am thankful 2022 is almost over. XO

  17. I like your thankful list. My plans for ringing in the New Year involve a lot of getting my calendar ready.

  18. Those are all wonderful things to be thankful for! We are thankful for our #1 who loves us and Mr. G who takes such good care of us whenever she is gone.

    The Chans

  19. You all have so much to be thankful for! If the weather is ok, Uncle Chris and Emma are coming up tomorrow. If not, we will just hang out at home. Happy New Year - Lee and Phod

  20. Kozmo, I cannot WAIT to be with you for the New Years Celebration! I am washed and re-washed, LOTS of brushies, and my furs glowing like a newly minted penny, because of you, and because I am going with you. I can't wait, m'love!!!

  21. Awesome thankfuls, everybuddy! I (Ava) am thankful for a loving forever home here with my mom and dad, and we are all very thankful that you are our friends. XO


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!