Monday, November 7, 2022

Tuesday is Snow Joke!

 STILL Snowing and now it is COLD too!

Mom was too busy shovelling to try to help me do some snow cartoons for Happy you are going to get to see some of our favorite Snow jokes and puns!

Furrst is Jo Jo! 

Then our hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon!

The Kozmo!

And ME - Marvelous!

HAPPY TUESDAY Central is Comedy Plus!  Now we are looking forward to coming around and visiting you.  We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for Happy Tuesday! Please click her button to see all the other happiness!



  1. Bwahaha! Good job you can all joke about the snow, but will you still be joking by the end of winter?

  2. MOL...your Tuesday looks very cold, so we send you some warm Pawkissies to keep you warm and melty๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ’ž

  3. Thank you for the morning smile, guys☺ Have an ice day!

  4. Hari OM
    MOL..."a puddle".... baahahahahaha... I will see your snow with a riverful of rain. sigh... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Feel free to send some of the snow this direction. We are ready! Happy Tuesday!

  6. Marv, it's a good thing you and your mom have a sense of humor. I see nothing funny about all that snow. Maybe just the fun of staying inside with a cup of hot chocolate for Lynn and try to beg an extra treat for myself. Of course the treat for me probably won't happen. We're going to have extra warm for the next couple days, but not today. So Lynn hopes to get in one or two more bicycle rides and then our good weather is bye-bye for good. Precious

  7. Those are great!!! No snow here but we're getting ready for a NOVEMBER!!

  8. a puddle! brahaha mol bol lol.... you all did great. UGH on your Tuesday. no snow for me, but I did like it when I was a child. but we did not have as much as this photo

  9. I LOVED LOVED the jokes...LOVED 'EM!!! Glad we don't have snow like that. Rarely we do, though. Kozmo...if you're cold, you know where to get warm...right over here. The Tunnel is humming!

  10. Love all the funnies and love seeing all of you. I think that's a lot of snow too. We don't get snow here.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  11. Chaplin: "There's no business like snow business, am I right?"
    Charlee: *smacks Chaplin upside the head*

  12. You're all so cute, stay warm kitties! The puddle joke was my fave today - MOL!

  13. The jokes are all so funny. We moved to Florida two years ago, and miss having snow.

  14. We live were those Frosted Flakes are made!! LOL! Good jokes, all of them! We hope the snow stays away for a long time...maybe just for a white Christmas and then leave us alone...yup...its good to dream!

  15. Love your post- very fun! Stay warm!

  16. Brrrrrr! Now, we're feeling teh cold, even though it isn't really here!

    Purrs and Woofs,
    The Chans and Ollie

  17. We haven't had any snow yet and our temps will be in the 60's (F) for the next few days!

  18. HAHAHA. Those were super, you guys! Snow is no joke, but your jokes sure were funny. XO

  19. Yikes, we'd be closed for months! Loved the jokes guys!!!

  20. Great jokes. And nice snowmen. :) XO

  21. Brr! I am not ready for snow yet!

  22. Heeheehee! You are very punny, all of you.

  23. Hahahahaha funny jokes! Yikes at snow so early, but getting a laugh out of it is the best way to go!

  24. Enjoyed the jokes today. Looks like Christmas but it is November already. Snow is getting close to me too.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!