Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 We are pawticipating in Wordless Wednesday at Comedy Plus! I LOVE Sandee's Hops! She always has the bestest photos for Wordless Wednesday and I LOVE her and her comments too! Please click on her Wordless Wednesday button to be magically taken to Wordless Wednesday Central (Comedy Plus).

Mom is gobsmacked...this NEVER happens...


  1. Sharing space is a good thing!

  2. Breakfast in Bed, has me giggling and I giggled out loud at the new header while admired the clothes line, I noticed the floral butt stoppers. brahahahahaha

  3. Well it certainly looks like all three of you got a good treat at the same time in the same place. Was it cheese? I'm like the Mad Snapper I like your new clothes line, and Marv I think maybe you're laughing out your butt. I'm not laughing because I had to go to the doctor the other day and get my annual shot in the butt. I'm an unhappy Kitty and I'm hiding under the bed forever and ever. Precious

  4. They share the bed, but each with the personal space!
    Very cute image!
    Happy WW and a fine week!

  5. Hari OM
    Food is a unifying agent!!! Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  6. It's a triple cat Wednesday at your house!

  7. Marv's modesty patch is so funny I choked om my coffee! The others are great too bt Marv's got me going!

  8. It looks like you kitties are enjoying a little bedtime snacking.

  9. Aw, that's a great place to have some treats. Adorable and you know how much I love kitties and especially Marv. I love your posts and comments just as much as you like mine.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to all around, a smooch to handsome Marv and love and hugs to you. ♥

  10. Charlee: "My cats, they have three corners, three corners have my cats!"
    Chaplin: "And had they not three corners, then they would not be my cats!"

  11. You all share the bed so nicely for your treats.

  12. Well, we like to keep our people on their toes, don't we!?

    The Chans


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!