Thursday, June 30, 2022

Happy Canada Day!

Today is CANADA DAY!

Mom was explaining to me that it is sort of like the US Independence Day on July Fourth but different.

July 1st is the anniversary of Confederation - that is the day the British North America (BNA) Act came into effect in 1867 and the Dominion of Canada was created by the British Parliament. BUT only some parts (there were only 3 provinces then), and Indigenous Peoples had no say in the decision. 

The BNA Act meant the Dominion of Canada was a self-governing entity and no longer a British Colony. Canada's  independence grew from there. 

Then in 1931 - 64 years later, with the Statute of Westminster, Canada was awarded full legal freedom! But there is MORE!

Canada's actual Independence Day is technically, April 17, 1982. That is when we repatriated our constitution from Great Britain, so I guess that makes us only 40.

Us Canadians love a good summer party...we all celebrate July 1, 1867 and this year Canada is 155 years old.

It is very unlike the 4th of July. On Canada Day (most) stores are closed. If we have a parade it is subdued and colourful. Here in Midway, it is kids on bicycles that have streamers, in another village in BC, they all dress in their inflatable T-Rex costumes and march down the main street. In Greenwood, they break out the Japanese drums and there is a terrific Bingo Game. In Rock Creek the river tubing will start. Most Canadians to the park and have a picnic. The Fire Department puts on a display of skills, the most important skill is the pancakes they make for breakfast at 9 am! There will be a BBQ in the park, sack races, egg and spoon races, boccie ball, baseball, water balloon dodge ball, music, ice cream, kids, dogs and we all wear red shirts and when it gets dark (which is about 10 PM) we will watch fireworks. 

Mom can't wait! 

And we can't wait for the hot dogs! Fire up the grill Mom!

We we love Sandee and we are pawticipating in Feline Friday at Comedy Plus! Please click the badge to go to Feline Friday Central! 




  1. happy birthday catnada... for a wonderful year and a wonderful day today...

  2. Happy Birthday to Canada from this Canadian living in Michigan...and her dual citizenship pups!! (And also the two unfurbros...Pawppy is the American here, LOL!)
    Enjoy all the festivities!

  3. Hari Om
    The Australian part of me totally understands - and wishes you all a very happy, peaceful and fun Canada Day!!! Hugswagswhiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. CANADA ... O-Canada ... we luvs our northern neighbors! (Wow! Firemen all over da-world do pancake breakfasts!!!) With mine hu-mom "gran-mommy" from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan we thinks we can cellybrate along with you! O Happy Day!

  5. Happy Canada Day! It sounds like you are going to have a fantastic Day. Enjoy those hotdogs!

  6. Marv, what an absolutely wonderful picture of all you at home ready to celebrate Canada Day. It doesn't matter what age your country is it's a wonderful place for you to live. We're quite proud to have you for Neighbors. And with all those different dates, it gives you more opportunity for more celebration. And all of you are certainly dressed and ready to go.

  7. A wonderful history of Canada Day. I hope today is all you wish it to be and more. I'm coming up for some of those hotdogs.

    Know that I love all of you very much.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  8. thanks for the information, I knew a couple of things but not the details. You all look adorable and ready to rock and party. you had me at the word hotdogs and picnic. Happy Birthday Canada... enjoy your long week end and don't eat to much.

  9. We never knew all that history about how Canada became independent. It sounds like you have a fun day planned.

  10. You all look great. Happy Canada Day! XO

  11. Happy Canada day--wish I were there (but I'm close!)

  12. Happy Canada Day, you all! Celebrate large!

  13. Have a Happy Canada Day! I enjoyed reading the history. Sounds like the celebrations are lots of fun!

  14. Happy Canada Day. We didn't know all the history and we think it's a pawsome way to celebrate.

  15. Thank you for the history lesson. Happy Canada Day

  16. OMC, you all look terrific, and it sounds like a fun day; though, the history is a bit confusing. July 1 is also Sawyer's 5th birthday. We hope you'll drop by and celebrate. Happy Canada Day. 🇨🇦🍁 XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  17. Hope you all had a fabulous Canada Day.......with lots of snacks and fun and celebrating the wonderfulness of your beautiful country to our North!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  18. Wow, that was a regular history lesson. I learned all that stuff in school long ago, so it was useful to get a refresher. Glad you all survived the boomies!

  19. That you for taching us about Canada Day! We hope you all had a great one!

  20. Thanks for the history lesson. Never realized Canada was so young. TW would be all in on bingo. I was disappointed that you guys didn't put on inflatable T-Rex costumes. Oh well. Happy belated Canada Day!

  21. Thanks for educating us. Happy Dominion Day! (Back when I was growing up across the Detroit River from Windsor, that's what they called it.)

  22. I love the idea of Canada Day. What a wonderful celebration. Happy Canada Day Marv and family. (I hope you are all doing OK and enjoying summer).

  23. It's awful being so far behind on reading my friends blogs. My hope is that you had a wonderful Canada Day, and many more to come!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!