Friday, November 12, 2021

Happy Cat Marv

 It is Caturday and we are HAPPY! Now Mom is retired, she does not have to run around like a dervish to get errands run. We are happy for that. As you guys know, I Marv, am a HAPPY cat! 

 This is one of the photos Mom took of me when we took pictures for the Friendly Fill-Ins.

The weather has been getting really cold and us cats are spending all most all of our time inside. We thought we would give you some tips on how to keep us happy when we are inside. We bet these are exactly what you inside cats pawrents do to keep you happy, and we would LOVE to have you add your favorite tips too!

A Tired Cat is a Happy Cat

We are active and it is really easy to go nuts when we are inside and can't work off all that energy! You need to get us TOYS!  Toys that look like mouses! Toys that look like burds (or have feathers)! Battery powered fishes! Toys with flashing lights! Laser Pointers! String toys! All these help keep us jumping and stalking! And when we are tired. We will let you know it.

Burd TV

Viewing stations (for us it is cat trees) so we can see what is happening outside. (But if we do get to go outside, don't put out a feeder, it could be the purrfect snack bar for us) And we love Burd TV on TV! We Love to watch the Youtube channels that have burds (and squirrels and mice). Mom casts from her computer to the BIG TV in the living room and we are mesmerized.

Cat Nip

 Yesssss! We love catnip. We roll in it, we eat it and we LOVE playing with our catnip toys! We purrticularly love to play with our Yeow Cat Nip Nanners!

Cat Trees

We LIVE to climb! We Live to jump and we live to play chase! Our cat trees are the best and we love to sit in our tees and watch out the windows. We have one for each cat, we each have our favorites and though we sometimes share, we love to wrestle and chase!


Our favorite thing is snuggling and cuddling and playing with our humans! THat keeps us so furry happy in the winter! Now that I've told you about what keeps us happy, what keeps you happy?

Now for the Art!

This week we took the photo of me into PhotoShop and did some magic and then added electric sparkles.

We then took the sparkly picture and added some special effects using the Deep Dream Generator! 
We think I look absolutely stunning! 
We are pawticipating in Athena and her Mom Marie's Caturday Art blog hop. Please click on her button to be taken to Caturday Art Central. Marie takes terrific photos and makes terrific art too!


  1. Bless you for keeping your mom's post retirement a busy one.

  2. Being happy is a great thing, handsome Marv, and we love your pretty sparkling artwork!

    1. Everytime we see you, you have a smile too! Have a HAPPY day!

  3. PURRRRFECT list of things we cats love.....we love feeling safe and the touch of a warm human hug too! The artwork is absolutely MAGICAL. Your Mom is so very very talented.

    Love, Teddy

  4. You have so much to keep you happy, and now your mum is retired that is better still. Your art is beautiful, Marv. You get the Deep Dream Generator working so well for you. All I get is a lot of horrible monsters when I use it.

  5. Your artwork is magical and mystical, Marv, and it sounds like you are the happiest cat in the world! What makes me happy? Hmm, let's see: I can't pick out any one thing. As long as all focus is on me, I guess I'm happy. I try to see to it that that's the case, or else.

  6. Marv, you were extra sparkly even without the artwork. I'd say your mom gets an A-Plus on the photo of you and then adding sparkles. I think Precious would probably play more if she had competition in the house. You guys have a great weekend. And by the way Marv, ask Mom if she got the cabinets painted.

    1. Nope. I did try to put the second coat on the doors in the house. I now have Kitty prints on the doors and on the floor. So I have to figure out a way to do it where there is not inquisitive cat access. The garage is too cold, I used to have my art room downstairs, but it has been converted into the human brother's man cave. As he works evenings, I'm thinking I'll rip some plywood to make a paint table cover for the coffee table down there...but I've not done that yet.

    2. Good luck, such undertaking! Paw prints, kitty fur and flying insects all to try to deter you.

  7. Hari OM
    Truth be told, Marv, today I prefer you 'au naturel' as that is a pawfect pose... then the simple sparkles pickchewer. But there is no denying mum is a whizz with the images!!! I too love burd teevee and watch those sorts of videos too - I think your plans for wintering are brilliant. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. We all wish mom didn't have to work because there are so many things we would rather do during the day but we are lucky she has her own business and works from home at least. If she had to go to work and deal with a boss, things wouldn't be as nice. Stay warm! It's getting colder here too, but we pups like it.

  9. Oh Marv, those are ALL of the best things we love to do. And I am glad you included being held and snuggled with our moms and dads. Those of us who are adopted are the luckiest cats in the world. And the most loved generally. There are, however, many many many many ferals who are also loved very much by their carers and rescuers.

  10. Three times handsome, that's you, Marv! With or without sparkles, you are one good looking mancat! But we sure love Mom's art touches, they are extra special ...

  11. We always love seeing you smile. That's amazing artwork. We're glad your Mom keeps you busy.

  12. I'm happy mom is retired. Retirement is a good thing. We've been enjoying it for many years. Just stay busy and I'm sure you will. I love it when Marv is a happy cat.

    Have a fabulous weekend. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to retired mom. ♥

  13. That is excellent advice on how to keep your kitties happy and lots of it apply to us pups too. We love your artwork, too.

  14. Marv you need to hang a shingle out advertising excellent advice
    Hugs cecilia

  15. Oh sure, rub it in that she's retired while some of us are still working daily over hot keyboards!
    Lovely art; love the sparkles!

  16. We could always tell you had a special aura, Marv. The art shows it up beautifully. Yes, a tired human is a happy human, though prone to oversleeping, MOL

  17. Yay for Moms retirement and YAY YAY for all those toys. Wild clapping and standing ovation for the art today. I LOVE SPARKLES and these are purrfect. start on the Christmas sparkles, can't wait

  18. You are beautifully handsome without glitter and stuff. The catkids here have all the things you mentioned except going outside. They go out on the balcony. It's 9 flights up so they can't touch earth but they are happy sunbathing out there.

  19. Marv that is awinderful picture of you - in all ther versions

  20. We love that Bird-TV program! WOW Marv, your art is totally spectatular!

  21. Pawsome art with or without the sparkles. Now that TW is feeling better, she's been playing with me again. The burd tv is pretty much over but there's still car tv. Watching them on the helix is like watching toy cards. Don't forget tunnels. I've been running through a tiny short one that TW found.

  22. Now you can get the attention you deserve with mum home. Looks like you have quite a few activities to keep you on your toes.

  23. I love your sparkly artwork, Marv. You are one happy cat!

  24. I love that list! Mudpie especially agrees with the snuggles and cuddles. That's a pawsome photo and art of your sweet face too :)

  25. These came out great, so pretty. They would make nice puzzles- hint, hint. XO

    1. Oops! THe link is in the blog now! We DID create a puzzle and some how Mom "forgot" to add it to the post! You can read about what we think about Mom's forgetfulness tomorrow!

  26. Marv, we love that you are so happy. That art is fantastic, and we loved learning about how Mom and Alex help keep you all happy. XO

  27. Congratulations to your mom for retirement. Chester's kitty cat cousins, Tibie and Hani, have all those things you suggested for kitties being indoors. They especially love watching birdie TV!

  28. Marv is a beauty without the filters. i hope your mom enjoys her retirement.

  29. We are furry glad Mummy was already retired by the time We came to her!
    In Winter, what We like best of all is snuggling under the duvet with Mummy!
    And last - but by no means least - We think your art is absolutely stunning!

  30. Charlee: "You sure do look happy there, Marv! That's the way Chaplin looks when he is about to get a treat!"
    Chaplin: "Did somebody say treat?"


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!