Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thankful Thursday to our furrends!

 Hi Guys! We are slowly getting Mom to help us blog. Mom says there is too much to do and not enough hours in the day and we tell here she should

We are thankful for all of our furrends who have let us learn new artistic techniques using their photos! And we have learned a lot! The same techniques do not turn out the same with different colored cats or when you apply them to landscapes, building, flowers and bugs. 

We want to thank all the bloggers who host the hops! We love the hops as we get to visit lards of vastly different sites!

And we are thankful that Captain Kirk (Bill Shatner) finally got to go into SPACE, The Final Frontier!

 If it had not been for this series, we would not all have our individual tri-quarters!

And we are thankful for all of you dear furrends! Thanks for putting up with our erratic schedule and still visiting! 

We are pawticipating in Thankful  Thursday at Brian's Home! Please click on their badge to be taken to Thankful Central! 


  1. we wish captain kirk a super space time... and we understand him... a dream comes true, isn't that the thing so much people would love?

  2. Wonderful thankful things. I'm thankful I found you, your mom and especially Marv. I love Marv.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a hug to mom. ♥

  3. Hari OM
    I too am thrilled for 'Captain Kirk', dear ol' Bill - even though I do actually have some reservations about Bezos (and Branson's) expenditures and enviro-impacts... Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. i feel the same way about our blogland. and i love your ART. I found that a lot, added something to a photo and on another one is not the same. they are all beautiful.

  5. Precious and I are thankful on Thursday to see your family blog, Marv. Love
    the Halloween header. And can't wait to see who you were doing a portrait of.

  6. We are always happy to see you all and we love seeing your fun and your humor too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thrusday Blog Hop!

  7. We are so thankful for your friendship and we love your blog!

  8. Don't be too hard on your Mom. She is doing lots of good things. At least you are posting more often than we do. Mom says she is devoid of good material. HUH??? We give her plenty to share:

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. We're here whenever you can be too. Our mom doesn't do very well with blogging for us either.

  10. I am thankful for your friendship. I love the art you made for us. My hubby and I watched an interview with Shatner after he went and he was so emotional and thankful for the experience. XO

  11. I needed to read the quote today... you all rock too! Thanks, LeeAnna with Milo (who always lives in the "now")

  12. If everyone looks around, they can always find something to be thankful for, I hope!

  13. Any time you guys get a chance to blog, I will be visiting!

  14. Our Blogger friends give us a lot to be thankful for.

  15. I love being here with all of you! And like Summer, when you blog, I'll be here. Love you each one.

  16. You are such a wise feline Marv.....and I love your artsy rendering. I will echo all matter when or how often you pop up I am thrilled and happy to visit.
    Hugs Cecilia

  17. We always love seeing you. We know life gets in the way sometimes.

  18. Thankful for you and your creativity and your sweet kitties ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. Well I'm going to definitely have to show dad that "Enjoy life today" thing. He could use a dose of that now and then.

  20. I like the advice you gave your mom. Everyone needs to hear this when life seems crowded with stuff needing to be done.

  21. MOm and I enjoyed each word and picture. We love you all.

  22. There aren't enough hours in the day, so when you do take some to post, i am thankful for it!

  23. Thank you for experimenting on me. Heh heh!

  24. Charlee: "It's hard to keep humans motivated when they start to get busy, isn't it?"
    Chaplin: "Your mom is lucky she has you there to supervise!"

  25. CATS in SPACE ... pawsome. When we lived in Florida (near KSC) the hu-mom would send Maggy and Zoey up in shuttle launches all the time ... and guess what: our area code is: 3..2..1! For real!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!