Tuesday, August 3, 2021

NOT Wordless Wednsday - In Pursuit of Iced Tea!

 Back 5 years ago, when Mom made Beary Good Stuff for the Farm Markets, a huge seller was Bing Cherry Syrup. Mom used to make Iced Tea from it as samples so people could see what they could do with syrup besides put it on pancakes.. 

Why Cherry Syrup? Cherries are notoriously hard to make jam from. Sometimes the jam just won't set. 

Back in June, the Cherries were out and Mom bough a giant box to make Cherry Jam and the jam did not set. After a couple of weeks, Mom re-made it and it still would not set. It has been sitting in the pantry waiting for the weather to cool of so Mom can make syrup out of it. 

Fast forward to this week. 

Shoko and Kali at The Canadian Cats and da Phenny and Nellie at Easy's Blog are doing Iced Tea this month! Mom started thinking about how delicious that Cherry Iced Tea was, but it is too hot to make the whole batch of Cherry (NOT) Jam into syrup. 

So she dumped a jar into the blender and buzzed the heck out of it and a jar of water, then she put a coffee filter into a funnel and let the good stuff percolate through.

She also made some Stash Chai Tea and let them both sit for a couple of hours.

Mom then put about 1/3 of a cup of the cherry syrup into the glass, along with some of the frozen cherries that were not made into jam (they are for a cherry pie when we can use the oven after the heat wave).

She added a splash of lemon juice (the syrup is sweet), ice and filled up the glass with the cool tea.

YUM! This is the best iced tea in the world! 

Or that was what Mom said. I really was not interested in it. I thought she should have made Catnip Iced Tea.

Even though we are wordy, we are going to pawticipate in Wordless Wednesday at Comedy Plus! Make sure you click on the Button and visit Sandee. She runs Wordless Wednesday Central!


  1. That 'brand' of iced tea sounds super delish!!
    Sorry it wasn't including any nip though, Kitties!! Cinnie might have enjoyed some iced bone broth, though:)
    You CAN get nip tea bags...I had them years ago, before I blogged or did Catster, and Minko found the box...he was in kitty bliss, but I was not!! LOL!
    (Catnip tea along with some other teas is very relaxing...yup, for humans, too...right now I use catnip herbal capsules in my bedtime herbal sleeping regime.)

    1. Mom used to get a Sleepy Tea in Richmond that had Catnip and Valerian in it. Good thing Queen Nellie was not into either!

  2. Wonderful recipes, but do cats like the sweet taste ?!

    Happy WW, Marv!

  3. It sounds really yummy! My mom has never done anything like this before!

  4. Golly that tea LOOKS and SOUNDS like it's extraordinarily TAST-TEA !!!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  5. Wonderful for all you furry friends to help your mom make some wonderful looking tea. I sure hope you get cooler weather and not just so your mom can cook the cherries down into syrup. I love iced tea and that recipe sounds like a lovely thing to try.

  6. Hari Om
    Ooh that is one syrup I didn't try in my iced tea. Lychee, yes. Peach, yes. Strawberry, yes.... but now my tastebuds are tingling in anticipation! Now to buy some cherries... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Mom doesn't like tea at all, but she does love cherries. Perhaps flavored tea would be more appealing to her. Catnip tea, not so sure about that one, kitty ;)

  8. Wow, that sounds fabulous! Mom isn't a tea drinker but we think she would like that.

  9. this looks really good, i told easy i did not drink tea, but i do drink iced tea and flavored would be delish. never heard of cherry jam or syrup but cherries cost 10 dollars a pound here. tell your Mom it is so good to see her, i like knowing the people I 'chat' with...

  10. Cheers for the Cherry Tea. Made me think of the cherry cokes I enjoyed as a child from the old fashion soda fountains.
    Hugs cecilia

  11. yum! mum sez she wood make a margarita wif it

  12. That is a very creative way to deal with unset jam, your Mom is amazing Marv. The tea sounds wonderful too.

  13. Your mom is beautiful and the tea looks yummy. Getting to see you is even better Marv.

    Never worry about words on Wordless Wednesday. Those kind of rules are made to be broken.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches all around, a big smooch to you Marv and a hug to mom. ♥

  14. That sounds yummy! Catnip tea sounds like a good idea too, Marv! Beautiful picture of you there!

  15. Catnip ice tea ~ now there's something unique ~ Do hope the cherry creation sets soon ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. dood....theez teaz bee soundin most dee lish !!! heerz hopin itz gonna cool down like quik for
    everree one out yur way and de firez iz put out all sew......grate pro filez shot buddy :) ♥♥

  17. That looks absolutely delightful!

  18. Wow, we love the sound of the cherries and tea. It's a wonderful combo. How bout you make one forr us and we'll toodle down and collect it. Thanks for joining in on Tea time Marv and family.

    The fires your way sound god awful. They are way closer than here but we do get the thick smoke. You guys stay safe. Glad innernet is bak.

  19. Wordy is fine with that tasty treat

  20. I am not big on tea, but that looks tasty. Thanks for the recipe. XO

  21. Marv, your mom is very skilled! Ice tea looks yummy! In general, I don't drink tea, but I would definitely try one with cherry syrup. I love cherries in any form!

    I wish you happy days!

  22. That sounds super delicious! I would just can cherries with sugar syrup, back when I was still doing that kind of thing.

  23. That tea sounds delish but it sure took a lot of work to make it.

  24. My human is not a tea person, at all, but she says that sounds really tasty!

  25. Mom wants to know if you have any left - she would love a drink of that yummy tea!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  26. I bet you’d like catnip tea, wouldn’t you, Marv??

  27. Your mom is SO creative and talented, Marv! Even though it was not catnip tea, that sounds delicious! Hugs!

  28. TW loves her some iced tea. She'd LOVE this since she loves cherries too. She used to make it using Celestial Seasons tea. Not she just buys it from Dunkin. I wish we had a recipe to share but not this month.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!