Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Tabbie Twins do Selfies

 No, Kozmo and Jo Jo are NOT related. Jo Jo's Mom was a Siamese cat in Grand Forks, BC 9 years ago and Marv was a rescue from the streets of Iran who made his way to Vancouver 5 years ago. BUT they do have a lot of similarities. If you look at the this night shot it is hard to see which is which. 

They are the same size and the same color. But their personalities are on opposite sides of the spectrum!

Jo Jo is a princess.

Look at that regal bearing and attitude!

Marv is a clown! And He loves it when you laugh, especially

 if he has made you laugh! 

They are both happy to be pawticipating in Selfie Sunday

Jo Jo is sending you gentle purrs and she would be happy to sit in your lap and purr.

Marv's sending smiles and head bonks. He's asking if you would like teeth or claws!

Marv and Jo Jo are delighted to be part of Selfie Sunday at The Cat on My Head! Please click on their button to visit their blog! 


  1. What wonderful selfies!!
    I don't think I want/need either teeth or claws, LOL!!

  2. How nice to see both Marv and Jo Jo today! They may both be tabbies, but they are distinctly different personalities!

  3. Hari om
    Marv has much stronger brow markings... sending love,hugs and whiskeries to you both! YAM-aunty xxx

  4. They do look very similar and both take lovely selfies. No teeth or claws thanks, Marv.

  5. And what cat person in their right mind could resist either one, Jo Jo Princess or Marv the Merry Maker.

  6. Looking at the last two I scrolled back and forth back and forth and I can see there are subtle differences in their markings on the face but at first glance they look like twins or the same cat. And who is the third cat on the back of the sofa in the first picture LOL. What a story for both of them all the way from Iran that is very unusual.

    1. They are very similar. Which is why I call them the Tabby Twins. Marv is actually much stockier and has a square head. Jo Jo has more delicate features and her fur is not as dramatically marked. She also has a curl in her tail and Marv's is more like a club. But, at a distance, I too have trouble telling the difference.

  7. Jojo we love those sweet purrs and Marv, um, can we opt out of those and just have a head bonk? Love your selfies friends and we sure like seeing today and everyday we do. Purrs friends

  8. Both of you tabbies are a couple of cuties.

  9. Jo Jo every princess needs a Jolly Joker in her court.
    You both have the standard tabby M on your foreheads!
    Hugs cecilia

  10. We love that photo of everybuddy!!! You both have your unique purrsonalities!!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. You two twins really are most adorable!

  12. Wonderful selfies of two stunningly gorgeous tabby cats!

  13. Tell Marv we don't want teeth OR claws!

  14. They are both cuties. I will take purrs and claws. :) XO

  15. Beautiful selfies of both of you!

  16. It's so sweet Jo Jo! ❤️
    I like Marv's personality. ❤️ 😊

  17. Aww, we love both of your selfies, Jo Jo and Marv. And we loved learning about your unique personalities. :) XO

  18. Mrv, I'll pass on the teefs and claws. How about a joke instead?

  19. They are both adorable and we love the photos!

    Tama and Benny

  20. They are both so beautiful and special, each in his or her own way!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  21. I love Marv, I remember him arriving and the excitement of his trip (the map with the arrow!).

    Have a great Sunday you two!

  22. You both are good looking tabbies, Marv and JoJo!

  23. Charlee: "Every Princess needs a jester to keep her entertained! Am I right, Jo Jo?"

  24. Replies
    1. And it posted before i was ready, as i wanted to add that they are both very special in their own way.

  25. TW has a soft spot for tabbies. Her heart cat Nicky was a tabby. Marv is my kind of tabby. He likes arm on the cob too.

  26. You both are very cute and beautiful, JoJo and Marv. I don't know why, but I see resemblances with my brother and sister too...also the twofeet... MOL...Pawkisses🐾😽💞


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!