Friday, June 11, 2021

Light as a Breeze Kozmo Art

 We had one of Mom's regular shots of Kozmo. 

She is not as good at taking pictures as Alex and it was blurry and Kozmo was being LOUD and insistent!

AND we had this great photo of Hoodoo Lake.

I wanted to drown float Kozmo in the we thought about bubbles!

First we created the background using a filter online (Lake, BubblesI can't remember which)

We put Kozmo in a bubble using Photoshop

And we put it all together for our Caturday Art!

Kozmo really likes it so it! So we are adding it to Athena and Marie's Caturday Art Hop!

And we Made a puzzle! 

preview108pieceCaturday Art Kozmo


  1. Hari OM
    OOooohhhh... that's one of my absolute faves that you have done!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. OH, Wow! That turned out to be an amazing art work!
    I think the puzzle will keep me out of mischief a good long while...

  3. That is gorgeous art! Thanks for the puzzle.

  4. How cool is that! I love it!

  5. Oh, Kozmo, you look great. Just don't float over a waterfall. I think you
    at home photo with the fangs looks good too. Have a great weekend. Here it
    is still raining non stop and humid and hot. 10 inches in about 3 weeks.

  6. Kozmo well done on the family effort for Caturday Art!! Lake Hoodoo is gorgeous
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Nice art with Kozmo in the bubble. Beautiful lake view.

  8. We love your artistic creation with Kozmo in a bubble.

  9. Kozmo is floating away on bubbles, hope you come home soon Kosmo, but bubbles are better than drowning in the lake. ha ha... good job on your art today

  10. We really like it too Kozmo, you look amazing!

  11. Looks like it worked out just the way it was supposed to. Very nice!

  12. Very cool art. Kozmo, you are so handsome. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  13. Kozmo in a bubble is so cool. And the overall bubble effect is awesome. Mom wishes she had the time and patience to understand and use Photoshop.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Wow, that is so cool! That lake is beautiful!

  15. Come over here you handsome mancat you!

  16. That turned out so good! We love it, too, Kozmo and Mom!

  17. Kozmo and Mom, that is really snazzy!

  18. I hope that bubble doesn't pop anywhere over the lake!

  19. That is such perfect art! Your mom is a creative genius, Marv.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!