Thursday, March 4, 2021

Feline Friday with Kozmo - Again!!!

You read it right folks! I  am the host for Friday, this is the second week in a row!

Friendly Fill-ins with KOZMO! 

You can click on the buttons to be magically taken to 15 and Meowing and the Four-Legged Furrballs blogs!


 Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins. Ellen of 15 and Meowing came up with the first two and her co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two. 

1 . Nothing is better than WARM Spring weather and a million robins

 2. I think my human majored in clumsiness. She drops the camera - a LOT!

3. The lovely spring weather makes me feel energized.

4. I would advise others to NOT let your human use catnip to relax you when you are taking pictures!
I got WAAAAAYYYY too relaxed....
AND we are pawticipating in Comedy Plus' Feline Friday! 
We LOVE you Sandee! Thanks for your Hops!



  1. Cute images! Have a good weekend.

  2. I hope the camera is still working. Great shots of Kozmo!

  3. we agree... we are so happy that winter is over... and yoiu are right catnipped humans are hard to stand ;O)

  4. That was so much fun!!
    Dropping camera is not the best idea...petcretary tried that too...but the best was when she lat a car drive over hers....oops. The result, one dead camera and a hole in the pocket from buying a new one:(

    Well, that was WAY back in her singleton years....

  5. You have the best perch for robin watching, Kozmo!

  6. Three cheers for spring weather! That last photo is a real hoot!!

  7. Kozmo true looking so good in the sunshine. Do I see a peak of snow still on the ground , yuck. I've had 100 Goldfinch to watch all winter as they mom the bird feeders. Next I hope to see some Robins in a few weeks. Precious

  8. Well done filling in Kozmo!! You are quite the tree-climber (and hugger). I think you look pawsitively CATatonic in that last photo though...maybe just a BIT too much NIP?

    Hugs, Teddy

  9. love your fill ins and that first photo is magical, you look like you are floating in air. i wish I could climb like you do Kozmo

  10. The Cat In The Tree: Happy As Can Be!
    Fantastic photo ...

  11. Great Fill-ins!! Can there really EVER be too much nip?

    The Florida Furkids

  12. Hari OM
    OH my, Kozmo, that was not pawhaps the kindest of pictures to end the series - but the others surely make up fur it!!! I adore your tree/spring pictures. It is a lovely time of year, isn't it? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  13. MOL! Great fill in answers, Kozmo! I'm loving the warmer weather too! ~Ernie

  14. Kozmo you are an overnight interWEBS star!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Those were darn good and fun answers!

  16. Hello furriends,

    I see snow behind you! Mr. Blue Skies sure does look nice. Your human has no shame to photo you while intoxicated but the picture did make me smile. :D Stay warm and be well!

    Curious as a Cathy

  17. Sweet! But please be kind to clumsy humans. We need love, too. ;)

  18. We enjoyed reading your answers today. That nipped out picture of you gave us a chuckle.

  19. Tell your mom I'm clumsy too. She's not alone. Maybe she's into human catnip? Naw, she's to smart for that.

    Love your fill-ins. You did them purrfectly.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to all the kitties, a smooch to Marv and a hug to your mom. ♥

  20. Kozmo, you are a little dickens, aren't you? You are adorable!

  21. Good answers Kozmo, and fun pictures!

  22. Great fill ins Kozmo.


  23. Spring is not far off. Looks like fun up that gnarly tree

  24. Kozmo you really know how to do Fill Ins and we like them all but MOL that last one was a HOOT buddy! Yeah, the Dad is a klutz too

  25. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. That is too funny about the catnip. Have a great weekend. XO

  26. LOL BOL MOL! What funny fill-ins, Kozmo!

  27. Kozmo, you did such a pawsome job with your friendly fill-in answers. We loved the drop the camera one. We do that all the time when we are trying to get that perfectly photo quickly. Thanks for the share. Have a great day and we hope the spring weather will be here soon to stay.
    World of Animals Rittenhouse

  28. Those are great pictures. I guess the camera survived.

  29. Lulu: "Whoa, Kozmo, are you levitating? How do you cats do things like that?"
    Charlee: "Magic."

  30. You did a great job, as usual, and i don't blame you for getting a little too relaxed. It's a temptation.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!