Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Story in 5 Pictures and Random Acts of Kindness


We are pawticipating in Wordless Wednesday at Comedy Plus. Click the button to be magically taken to Comedy Plus site!


Today is also Random Acts of Kindness Day!

Random Acts of Kindness Day is a day to celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness. "It's just a day to celebrate kindness and the whole pay it forward mentality", said Tracy Van Kalsbeek, executive director of the Stratford Perth Community Foundation, in 2016, where the day is celebrated on November 4. It is celebrated on September 1 in New Zealand and on February 17 in the US. 
The earliest call for people to Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty appeared in the July 1985 issue of the countercultural journal “Whole Earth Review”. The California-based writer Anne Herbert penned an article titled “Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty”. Herbert's book Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty was published in February 1993 speaking about true stories of acts of kindness. 
Our Mom has been practising RACSAB since she read the book back in 1994 for some courses she was running. We believe that helping others, paying it forward and gratitude are all important for our life. One of our favorite sites to visit is the Random Acts of Kindness. If you want to get inspired, learn more about cultivating kindness, become a Ractivitst, or read the Kind blog, it's all on the Random Acts of Kindness site
Mom particularly likes their Calendars (that way she just has to look at the calendar to see what would be a kind thing to do that day. 



  1. I think it is so important to always be kind.

  2. Kindness is what the whole world needs a ton of right now...wait, maybe millions of tons!

    Sometimes I buy things, unasked and then give them to the residents I look after. I hardly ever tell anyone I am doing that, but some of those peeps have lots of nothing. Esp now that they are not even allowed visitors, Sheesh.

    What really hurt my soul, was I had bought a few things for one particular lady, for a Christmas gift...but she passed away due to the evil virus only two weeks before...so my gift was not given/received:(
    I saved it to gift someone else with when I discover the next lady who likes to have pretty hair things:)
    I gave that selfsame lady a bit of home-made jewelry when she lost a necklace...she was so happy, it just warmed my soul.

  3. to be kind is a thing what a lot of people furget when the times are rough... although that is the time for being extra kind, right?

  4. Heck I try to be kind. The random part comes from donating to help pull a shelter cat I guess.

  5. I like your pictures :)
    I also believe in kindness. It is so important.
    Purrs, Julie

  6. We feel nice and good feeling when we reach out to others in kindness.

  7. Being kind gives a good feeling knowing you have made someone else feel better. Cinnie looks like she is enjoying the snow.

  8. YOUR CAT GRASS! I'm so jealous! I killed ours within a week. Bear's NOT happy.

  9. What a great group photo. We try our best to pay it forward whenever we get the moment. It's helpful to us and it's helpful to the other folks.

  10. Nice five photos. You kitties outside look quite chilly. Cat bro Bert won't even try to run away in the winter because he doesn't like the cold. We love kindness, hopefully the world can find more of it.

  11. We think the each and every day should be a random act of kindness day!

    Tama and Genji

  12. what the world needs now is kind, sweet kind. or even love, sweet love. is that a snow covered KONG? looks like everyone is doing their best to be kind to each other

  13. Hari OM
    Oh YES!!! Kindness is the close sister, is the expression of, the universal, the capital 'ell, Love!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  14. You all look cute in your pictures today. We show kindness to our pawrents every day, especially at breakfast and dinner time.

  15. You are all darling in your photos today. I love the idea of random acts of kindness and it should be practiced each and every day. Good post!

  16. Beautiful creatures, I feel like stroking them and hugging them all! ☺
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  17. Love the collage. Nothing better than kitties. Nothing. Okay maybe puppies.

    Kindness is something we need to dole out 365 days a year. I try hard to do that.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches all around and a big hug and lots of love to the mom. ♥

  18. "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." the Dalai Lama

  19. Pawsome picture story and great message! Have a beautiful day! ��

  20. Pretty good story in Five pictures. Need to borrow a snow shovel?

  21. Random acts of kindness are fun! Besides helping someone it makes ones heart happier. Have a lovely day and thanks for all your nice comments! Much appreciated!

  22. What a wonderful short story....with amazingly handsome and beautimous leading characters
    Hugs Cecilia

  23. Beautiful the fluffy friends!
    And the kindness is a way of changing the world, as soon as possible,
    starting with this moment!
    Happy WW!

  24. guyz....yur coe lage iz like total lee awesum !!! :) ♥♥

  25. Random acts of kindness should be performed every day. Looks like the only one enjoying the snow is Cinny.

  26. That's a great story graphic.

    And yes, it is so important to be kind and thoughtful. Our next door neighbor has terminal brain cancer. Mom has been bringing a meal over to the family and baking some sweets to try to help out.

    Our human sister has a nonprofit organization that is geared for children and helps them find ways to be "kind". It is called Kindcraft.

    Have a great day.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  27. Kindness carries a certain lovability with it. Keep kindness beside you always. You never know when it will be called for.


  28. What a cute collage heheh!

    Kindness goes a long way especially now :-)

    Have a kindtastic safe week 😷😷😷

  29. How else do you beat today's times besides being kind? Or by posting a Collage of Cuteness.

  30. Love the collage and i am glad you guys support random acts of kindness (who says cats aren't kind!??)

  31. Every day should be Kindness Day.

    Pee ess...the mom thanks you for your thoughtful comment you left about Zoey. It made her cry...but in a good way. ~Ernie

  32. Very nice collage. You are all always kind. XO

  33. Kindness is worth the extra effort.

  34. We love the collage of all of you, gang. And we love how you are always so kind!

  35. Kindness makes the world go round!

    Love the collage!

  36. It takes so little to change the world. Great photos too

  37. Love your pictures today! I also love the Random Acts of Kindness idea!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!