Saturday, January 2, 2021

First Selfie Sunday of 2021

 Just before Christmas, we got a new sofa. It is a white leather recliner and we ALL love it! You know why? There is a whole seat between Mom and Alex where we can sit! Here is ME, Marvelous enjoying getting my back rubbed by Alex after eating some of the left over salmon. Mom says that I have salmon breath! I don't care...I have a full tummy and I'm getting a GREAT backrub!

Oh Yes, my Mini Christmas Me! Mom made a Marv Ornament! 

Mom says she got the idea from how I jump on the sliding door screen when I want to come in...I purrsonally, think it looks like Simon's Cat!
 I am going to share my first selfie of the New Year at the Cat on My Head's Selfie Sunday! 

You can click on their button to see all the other wonderful selfies throughout the blogosphere! 


  1. You have every right to look so blissful. Your OWN place on the sofa. What a deal! Happy Mew Year!

  2. You score HUGE there Marv!! I love your face too!

    I hope you all have a safe and happy 2021.

  3. You have got it made, Marv! A whole seat on the sofa where you get back rubs and salmon breath. That's the way to start the New Year. Your ornament is adorable too.

  4. Oh we love love love the "Marv Ornament" ! Your Mom is so clever but that's obviously YOU and it's cute as can be. Glad you like your new furniture - hope there will be lots more back rubs - you obviously are lovin' it!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. JUNE says you look "smug and satisfied and super cool" ... and she'd like to chew up your oneryment!

  6. Hari OM
    well, yes, it is a wee tad Simon's Cat... but then again, uniquely you!!! Hugs and whiskerie,s YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Marv you look like a very contented cat. Dad got a big leather sofa with recliners on the ends a few years ago. It is Wonderful and I see yours is just the best too. Love your mini-Marv you Star you!

  8. Salmon, a spot on the new couch, and a back rub? That sounds purrfect to us, Marv!

    We love your new ornament!

  9. What a beautiful selfie and I love the Marv ornament too!

  10. You sure look like you are feeling the bliss of the new sofa and its perks of back rubs!

    I like that ornament! Id=f you put velcro on the paws you can stick to anything like a mini spiderman! LOL!, I am not first here today...tee-hee!

  11. You know you have made it when you have your own Christmas ornament!

  12. Oh Marv, that is a beautiful first selfie of the year!

  13. Marv, you and your ornament are as handsome as ever !

  14. Great selfie. I saw the sofa on FB, it is nice. And I love the ornament- the eyes look like Simon's cat, but the color is all you. XO

  15. That must be one terrific back scratching. Happy New Year, Salmon Breath!

  16. That is a super selfie, Marv. We wouldn't ming having salmon breath if only we could get some tasty salmon in our bowls.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. What a great Selfie, Marv. I give you a Pawkiss straight on your salmon flavoured mouth if you don't mind😸😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday🐾😽💞


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!