Sunday, March 23, 2025

National Puppy and Cuddly Kitten Day

 Today we are just going to post an AWWWS!

 We have not told a joke for a long time! So I, Marv will tell a winter joke.

 We are all Ready for Cuddles and Naps now!
AND Guess what we woke up to today!!! 




  1. Bwahaha, you are a joker, Marv! That is a lovely basket full of kits and pups.

  2. I am laughing with you and it is really funny... you could apply for MGM opening a moive

  3. That joke is what Mummy would call a groaner (mol).
    That picture is so cute. All We can say is Squeeeeeeeeee...

  4. That's a great joke! What a cute pile of puppies and kitties!

    1. I, Marvelous, am furry happy that YOU enjoyed my joke! Kozmo is an old stick in the mud! I got a couple more for you!
      Q: Where do snowmen get the weather report?
      A: The Winternet.
      Q: What’s a good winter tip?
      A: Never catch snowflakes on your tongue until all the birds have flown south for the winter.
      Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!! Keep being Awesome! Marvelous Marv (and Kozmo and Jo Jo and Nutcase and Mom Barb)

  5. Marv, Lynn is luving the awwws photo and the joke. Just glad there's no igloos here fur snow, just cold. They are sending us a Polar Vortex this week fur March leavin' like a lion! Kozmo, ya gotta allow fur who told the joke, you know.

  6. Lulu: "More snow! So lucky! We never get any snow here!"
    Charlee: "You Malamute/Husky mixes have weird ideas about what constitutes nice weather."

  7. Java Bean: "Ayyy, hey look! It's me! ¡Soy famoso!"

  8. Hari OM
    MOL MOL MOL... oh Marv, you are a giggle... and yes, I oohed and ahhed at the pile of furs in the image! Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Hahaha! That was funny, Marv! Sorry you got more snow, but at least Koz got in some good video watching. :)

  10. I like your jokes, your kitten and puppy photo, and, well, I hope the snow melts soon. Two out of three ain't bad, right?

  11. What a fun pile of kittens and pups!!! And those jokes made us giggle!


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!