Sunday, January 12, 2025

Kiss a Ginger Cat Day!


Of all the cats that have shared our Peep's life, only ONE has ever been a ginger. His name was Attila!
Back in 1984 Mom was living in a teenie tiny village in the Alberta Foothills. She already had one cat (Genghis) Genghis was a handsome and very large white boy cat. One day Mom came in the house from the grocery store and Genghis was playing with a tiny orange kitten!  Mom put up signs, asked all the neighbors if they knew where the kitten had come from...NOBODY had a clue. 
Our Human Bro Alex was smitten and asked if he and Genghis could keep the kitten. Well, to make a long story short, the kitten got the name Attila and he became part of the family. Attila was the best hunter ever! Mom said he was an even more prodigious mouse hunter than Me (Marvelous) and Kozmo combined!
About 2 years later, Mom and Alex moved back to the big city,  Genghis settled in well (after all, he was a city cat), but Attila missed the trees and his yard and particularly the hunting. He lost weight, refused to go outside, hid in the basement and would NOT play with his toys. Mom was worried about him and talked to a good friend who still lived in the village that had just lost their cat to old age. Her son (who was Alex's friend) asked if Attila could come and live with them. Attila did and he was back to being the exciting hunting machine he was before and he took to his new people and new home without looking back. He lived to be 20 years old and continued to be a terrific Mouser.
In Attila's memory, Mom says she will kiss each of us Me, Marvelous, Kozmo and Jo Jo today! 
Kozmo pretending he is a Ginger for kisses

Me? I ALWAYS kiss Mom in the morning, it makes us both smile!


  1. Attilla was a handsome and lucky kitten. When Flynn died it was the first time without a ginger. First time without a cat to love too. I have photos of the boys on the wall and the beautiful painting you did for us. I kissed them all. They are all protected by glass. I made that mistake once when I gave my horse a kiss which is a watercolour and wasn't behind glass! He is now though.

  2. Hari OM
    Awwwww... I send you ethersmoochies all the way from here to there! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Attila was a handsome boy. We have had three gingers and have not been without one since 2006.

  4. What a handsome mancat Attila was. We send you all smoochies in his memory!

  5. I have always loved what I call Morris cats, that are really gingers. Bob has had many cats, he said the best hunters and the ones he loved best were Gingers. I would kiss all of you and any cat that would allow it. but then I have been known to kiss a donkey, a baby lion, a horse, a cow, and a mini donkey.. anything with 4 legs that will allow it, will get a kiss from me.

  6. What sweet memories of the great Attila. Walter is the closest thing we have to a ginger around here.

  7. Sweet Attila ended up with two terrific hooman families! Ghengis knew what he was doing when he saved the kitten fur himself and fur Alex to start with. Lynn's first kitty was a ginger boy, and she thought he was a girl and named him Tonya. How embarrassing that was fur him. But he was good mouser and snake charmer. Left all he caught on the back step to prove it. We approve of all you fur babies gittin' a kiss on the noggin today. Precious

  8. If my lips can get to a cat, I'm gonna smooch 'em!

  9. Such wonderful memories of handsome and awesome Attila!

  10. Sending kisses to all the ginger cats out there! Lee and Phod

  11. Attila was a lucky boy to have found you to give him that first home and then recognize what he needed. 20 years!!! That is fabulous.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. What a sweet story - and how smart and loving of your Mom to do what was best for Atilla !

  13. That's a wonderful story and he was sure happy to get back to his hunting grounds. Big smoochies to gingers everywhere!

  14. Sounds like Atilla was one cool cat. I am glad he had such a long life. XO

  15. Chaplin: "Our Dada had a ginger cat on his lap for a while at the garage on Saturday waiting for an oil change on his car! I don't think there was any kissing involved, though ..."

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